Home previousMarch 28nextFriday, March 28 8:00 AMSummer BUPNUR 9:00 AMIndustrial and Systems Engineering Graduate Information Session 9:00 AMCinnamon Rolls and coffee with RD Sam! 11:00 AMNLC Game Day11:00 AMStudy Abroad Tabling at the NLC 11:00 AMStress Free Bing at the NLC - Game Day 11:30 AMSASE Wheel of Misfortune12:00 PMESURC Friday Office Hours12:00 PMStorytelling Workshop Club Sticker and Pin Sale12:00 PMEducation Abroad Tabling12:00 PMCoCo Seminar: "Separation of Learning and Control for Cyber-Physical Systems" by Andreas Malikopoulos (Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University)12:00 PMSunflower Cupcakes & Brookies Bake Sale 12:00 PMCHANGE x SDA Poster Fundraiser12:00 PMAnatomy Lab Cat Dissection12:00 PM4+1 Event for Dept of Asian and Asian American Studies12:00 PMMental Health and Human Service Careers Networking Lunch 12:00 PMBearcat Co-Rec Challenge- Community Scavenger Hunt12:00 PMLunch and Learn with Marc Bekerman, Tax Law and Estate Planning12:00 PMDIY Lava Lamps and The Benefits of Becoming an ACS Member 12:00 PMLarge Language Models with Zhaohan Xi (SOC)12:00 PMBUAM Spring 2025 Exhibitions12:00 PMBrookie Sale12:00 PMBSU Fundraiser12:00 PMLast Friday Digital Humanities Laboratory/Incubator Workshop 1:00 PMMPA and Sustainable Communities 4+1 Virtual Event 1:00 PMEducation Abroad Drop-In Advising (Virtual Only) 1:30 PM Skills Lab: Building Your Brand in Financial Services 2:00 PMCoding in R Crash Course 2:00 PMLatinX Festival 2:00 PMWalk, Roll, and Stroll 2:30 PMNLC Study Room 2:30 PM4+1 In Person Info Session 2:30 PMCoffee Break with Wellness Assistant Jamie 3:00 PMDTC Mutant Manias Drunk Goggle Mario Kart 3:00 PMFashion w/ Flavor Fridays - Digital Detox 3:30 PMMen's Prayer 3:30 PMMasterclass: Chandler Johnson, tenor 4:00 PMBoard Games & Snacks! 4:00 PMZumba Wellness Workout with B-Healthy 4:30 PMFriday Skate!! 4:30 PMDr. Michelle Bernshteyn '14, "A Day in the Life of a Gastroenterology Fellow" 4:45 PMTASC X VSA Mug & Coaster Decorating 5:00 PMNECO Alumni Panel 5:00 PMDTC's Mutant Mania Rap Battle 5:00 PMWooden Block Pixel Art- Minecraft Club x NDC Collab 5:15 PMMountainview Jams! 5:30 PMEat Pray Love 5:30 PMShabbat 2400 5:30 PMMarch Madness Watch Party 6:00 PMLego Flowers 6:00 PMRPU's Second Chance Prom 2025! 6:00 PMFleishman After Dark 6:00 PMKISA FIFA Night w/ Board Games 6:00 PMUnkai Daiko Weekly Drum Practice 6:30 PMStations of the Cross 6:30 PMBible Study with Atira and Tiquel 7:00 PMVGA/FPS Talent Show Spring 2025 7:00 PMMSA Iftar 7:00 PMMis Quince con Cora 7:15 PMIVCF Prayer & Worship (PAW) Night 7:30 PMBGG Weekly Meeting 7:30 PMCollege Republicans Meeting 7:30 PMHarpur Cinema Presents: The Ascent 7:30 PMGrab and Go Shabbat Dinner 8:00 PMLate Nite Cinema: Saturday Night 8:00 PMSpring Informational 10:00 PMAlumni Coffee Chat: New York Life10:00 PMLate Nite Cinema: Saturday Night Saturday, March 29 4:00 AMDTC's Mutant Mania 4AM Attendance