Oneida Hall Mural Event

Day Sunday, December 05
Time 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Where Oneida Floor Landings

Come join the RAs of Oneida Hall in making your mark on our home. On December 5th at 5:30 pm, meet your RA on your floor landing by the elevators. Together, we'll paint our handprints on the windows!!! There will also be snacks, so come get to know your fellow floormates and have fun making Oneida beautiful!!

Add to Calendar 12/05/2021 5:30 PM 12/05/2021 7:30 PM America/New_York Oneida Hall Mural Event Come join the RAs of Oneida Hall in making your mark on our home. On December 5th at 5:30 pm, meet your RA on your floor landing by the elevators. Together, we'll paint our handprints on the windows!!! There will also be snacks, so come get to know your fellow floormates and have fun making Oneida beautiful!! Oneida Floor Landings