Preparing your Application Materials for a Part-Time Job

Day Tuesday, August 22
Time 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Where UU - 111 - University Union

Planning to apply for an on-campus or part-time job? Join us immediately following the On-Campus Part-Time Job Fair for this helpful workshop! This session will cover tips on how to prepare a resume, cover letter and additional materials for a part time job. If you anticipate a need for disability-related accommodations or auxiliary aids to attend or participate, please contact Fleishm...

Add to Calendar 08/22/2023 4:00 PM 08/22/2023 5:00 PM America/New_York Preparing your Application Materials for a Part-Time Job Planning to apply for an on-campus or part-time job? Join us immediately following the On-Campus Part-Time Job Fair for this helpful workshop! This session will cover tips on how to prepare a resume, cover letter and additional materials for a part time job. If you anticipate a need for disability-related accommodations or auxiliary aids to attend or participate, please contact Fleishm... UU - 111 - University Union