ELI Conversation Circle: The Spooky and the Supernatural around the World

Day Wednesday, October 30
Time 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Where Private Location (sign in to display)

The ELI Conversation Circles are developed and managed by our English Speaking Assistants (ESAs) each semester. The circles are themed discussions open to both native and non-native English speakers at Binghamton University. All are welcome to join!

Add to Calendar 10/30/2024 4:30 PM 10/30/2024 5:30 PM America/New_York ELI Conversation Circle: The Spooky and the Supernatural around the World The ELI Conversation Circles are developed and managed by our English Speaking Assistants (ESAs) each semester. The circles are themed discussions open to both native and non-native English speakers at Binghamton University. All are welcome to join! Private Location (sign in to display)