Home previousWeek of January 14nextMonday, January 15 2:00 PMFree Bowling at the Union Undergrounds with Education Abroad Tuesday, January 16All DayClasses begin 1:00 PMEducation Abroad Drop-In Advising (In-Person)Wednesday, January 17 1:00 PMEducation Abroad Drop-In Advising (In-Person)Thursday, January 18 1:00 PMEducation Abroad Drop-In Advising (In-Person) 1:15 PMStudy Abroad at London School of Economics & Political ScienceFriday, January 19 9:00 AMIndustrial and Systems Engineering Graduate Information Session11:00 AMSpend a Semester or Summer in Morocco! 12:00 PMStudying Abroad in the Summer 1:00 PMEducation Abroad Drop-In Advising (virtual only) 3:00 PMEducation Abroad Scholarships Info Session & PanelSaturday, January 2011:00 AMStorytelling workshop club at the club carnival