Home previousWeek of January 21nextSunday, January 21 3:00 PMStudent Ambassador Program GIMMonday, January 22 1:00 PMEducation Abroad Drop-In Advising (In-Person) 3:30 PMSpend a Summer or Semester in Prague, Czech Republic! 3:30 PMSkills Lab: How to create a marketing campaign 5:30 PMStudent Ambassador Program GIM 6:00 PMNLC Study Supply Room Open to NLC Residents 6:00 PMGeneral Interest Meeting 6:00 PMEconomics Club GIMTuesday, January 23 1:00 PMEducation Abroad Drop-In Advising (In-Person) 3:00 PMStudy Abroad in Germany or Austria! 3:00 PMArticulating Your Int'l Experience Workshop 7:00 PMSwipe Out Hunger GIM 7:00 PMBinghamton History Club GIM #1Wednesday, January 2412:00 PMStudy International Relations and Multilateral Diplomacy in Switzerland or Sustainability in Iceland! 12:00 PMStudy Abroad in Seoul at Yonsei University! (Zoom Info Session) 2:00 PMEducation Abroad Fair 5:00 PMPre-Medical Association GIM #1 @ UU West 325 6:00 PMAssociation for Applied Behavioral Sciences GIM 6:00 PMDoctors Without Borders General Interest Meeting 7:00 PMBiology Club GIM 7:00 PMHistory Club GIM #2Thursday, January 2511:00 AMStudying Abroad as Life Sciences Major! 1:00 PMEducation Abroad Drop-In Advising (In-Person) 5:00 PMAssociation of Women in Mathematics GIM 6:00 PMMedical Research Interest Club GIMFriday, January 2612:00 PMSummer Session at Korea University12:00 PMService Learning in Malawi Summer 2024 Program Info Session12:00 PMStorytelling workshop club Sticker and Pin sale 1:00 PMEducation Abroad Drop-In Advising (virtual only) 1:30 PMSustainability Hub Interest Group Meeting - January 26 2:30 PMStudy Abroad in Asia! 4:30 PMSpend a Summer or Semester in Prague, Czech Republic! 5:00 PMGIM #2 6:00 PMStorytelling Workshop Club GIM Saturday, January 27 1:00 PMExcel for Data Analytics Crash Course