Workshops and Trainings

Request a Workshop and Training

Select a topic below to view all workshops and trainings.

Request formImportant Notes: If you are requesting multiple presentations, please submit one form for EACH workshop or training. Once a date is confirmed, you will be responsible for reserving a space on campus with a projector and sound. Please request the event at least two (2) weeks in advance to allow appropriate preparation time.
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General Wellness (9 Dimensions of Wellness)


Sleep 101 (1 hour): Daytime sleepiness, sleep deprivation, and irregular sleep schedules are highly prevalent among college students, as 50% report daytime sleepiness and 70% attain insufficient sleep. Sleep helps college students stay focused, improves concentration and academic performance, and improves mental health. This workshop covers: Importance of sleep, Stages of sleep, What affects sleep, Technology and sleep and Tips for getting better quality sleep

Financial Literacy (1 hour): Join us in this workshop to talk openly about finance and the different elements involved. During this time we’ll talk about credit/debit cards, savings accounts, investing accounts, loans, and emotions involving money. Resources will be shared to get your own financial wellness journey started. This course acts as a stepping stone to achieving financial literacy and having your money work for you. 

Mental Health 


Stress Management & Self-care (1 hour): The goal of this workshop is to bring attention to the "culture of stress" within the college student population, and the potential risk factors. Additionally, participants will be provided education around how to prevent burnout due to stress and suggestions for developing a self-care action plan.

Stigma & Advocacy (1 hour): This workshop identifies and outlines the impact of mental health stigma facing college students, and provides guidance on how students can fight stigma in their personal lives and communities. Additionally, the workshop details what it means to advocate for others in need of support, provides guidance on how to support peers, and reviews on campus, local, and national resources.

Suicide Prevention (1 hour): Suicide is the second leading cause of death for those ages 18-24; indicating there is  great need to have conversations about suicide prevention. This workshop focuses specifically on suicide warning signs and risk factors, how to discuss suicide, how to ask friends if they are having thoughts of harming themselves, and how to connect peers who are at risk to potentially life-saving resources.

How to Help a Friend (1 hour): This workshop encourages students to take action steps to support the safety and mental well-being of their friends and loved ones, and prevent a mental health crisis. The facilitators review how to identify signs of distress and how to support someone who is struggling (including providing on-campus and local resources).

Depression & Anxiety (1 hour): Self-reported anxiety and depression has skyrocketed since the beginning of the pandemic. This workshop provides students with a judgment-free space to discuss depression and anxiety, as well as the role that college students stressors play in mental health. Facilitators will encourage discussion around risk factors, warning signs, and when to seek professional help. This workshop also offers information regarding coping strategies and aids in the de-stigmatization of seeking help.

Resource Learning (30 minutes): In this 30 minute workshop, the Peer Agents facilitating will go through many need-to-know resources available to students that are on and off campus. This workshop goes more in depth into these resources to further improve health literacy on-campus and within students, allowing for easier access to wellness resources and better understanding of them and what their services entail.


Mental Health Advocacy Training (Half-day training): Mental Health Advocacy (MHA) training is a half-day training you can take to become a certified mental health advocate, as well as learn about the issues that affect college students and how to reduce stigma related to accessing mental health services. 

Training sessions are posted for registration on B-Engaged.

Mental Health First Aid Training (6-8 hours + pre-course): Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training teaches individuals how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. Certification costs are covered by B-Healthy - Healthy Campus Initiative. Learn skills needed to provide initial help and support to those who may be developing a mental health issue, substance use problem and/or are experiencing a crisis. The training includes an online pre-course and a 6-8 hour in-person training (requirements for a 3 year certification). 

Training sessions are posted for registration on B-Engaged.

Sexual Wellness


Safer Sex (1 hour): A workshop, discussion, and educational opportunity that covers contraception, STIs, campus resources, and much more! 

Sex in the Digital World (1 hour): Join us in this workshop to explore topics about how the arrival of the digital world naturally puts our sexual wellness at risk. Within this time allotted, we will discuss and partake in activities around the topics of dating apps, hook-up culture, consent, implications of sending nude photos, sex/relationships on TV and a series of discussions about different aspects of pornography vs. reality.

Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drugs (ATOD)


Party Safe - For party goers and hosts (1 hour): Let's talk about ways to get the good without the bad. This interactive program is intended to improve party culture by discussing ways to have fun while minimizing problems related to alcohol. Hospital transports, injuries, and public nuisance incidents don't have to be part of the college experience.

Cannabis today (1 hour): A more traditional presentation format, this program is intended to educate students about cannabis culture, campus policies, state and federal laws, how to use cannabis safely, and some of the facts and myths about cannabis.

Come Up for Air: Self-care Alternatives to Substance Use (2 hour, 1 hour, or 30 minutes): In this interactive workshop, participants will consider what self-care means and explore strategies, techniques, and activities that may alter how they think about and manage stress. The 2 hour workshop version has an additional activity about coming up with a personal self-care maintenance and emergency plan.

Motivational Interviewing - Conversations about Change (2 hours as a single session or two separate 1 hour sessions): This program prepares students to have sometimes difficult conversations with peers about behavior change. Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a style of communication used in clinical and non-clinical settings. Through the use of MI students can help their peers work through ambivalence and find the internal motivation to change harmful behaviors. The first hour of the session educates participants about the fundamental skills of MI and the second hour is spent engaging in role-playing activities. 


Leave No Bearcat Behind: Recovery Ally Training (3-hour or 5-hour training): The Recovery Ally Training program exists to increase the local community's substance use recovery capital. This means expanding knowledge and awareness of substance use disorders, decreasing stigma, and growing individual intervention skills. Recovery ally training is delivered in an interactive format and is meant to provide a starting point for friends, family members, lay persons, employers, health care providers, etc. to support those in or seeking recovery from a substance use disorder. Individual modules in the 3-hour program include:

  • Basic science
  • Social justice
  • Stigma and recovery
  • What does an ally do
  • Stages of change and motivational interviewing
  • Pathways to recovery

The 5-hour training provides more in-depth training on motivational interviewing techniques. Individuals who complete the Recovery Ally Training are provided a recovery ally sticker and certificate.

Naloxone Training (1 hour): If you would like to request Naloxone training for an organization or have additional questions, reach out to William Eggleston at The Binghamton University Opioid Overdose Prevention Program regularly provides Naloxone training virtually and in -person throughout the academic year. Individuals interested in participating in a training should view the events calendar on B-Engaged. For more information about the trainings, visit the Binghamton University OOPP website.

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TikTok: @healthpeers

Events and Programs

Find information and program registrations on B-Engaged.

B-Engaged with B-Healthy