DEI Committee

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion:

  • Science is necessary for an equitable and sustainable society.
  • Exclusion is antithetical to science.
  • Change is necessary.
  • Change is possible.
  • We are a work in progress.


The Binghamton Support Network is a comprehensive list of campus and community resources for various needs and concerns.

Also, see a list of resources compiled by the DEI committee.

Giving Tree Pantry: Science 3 greenhouse entrance, managed by Josh DeMarre.

Suggestions, concerns, support and reporting incidences:

Do you have general suggestions about how to improve the climate or DEI efforts
in the Department?
Action: Complete this form for suggestions to improve climate or efforts
Outcome: The DEI committee will discuss the concern or suggestion and use the
information to inform actions and priorities. Will be discussed at DEI meetings (or sooner
depending on the urgency).

Do you have a concern or have you experienced or witnessed an act of hate, bias, discrimination, or harassment?

Action: Share a concern or incident with the BIRT (Bias Incident Response Team)
Outcome: This system will trigger the correct chain of action, including the Conflict and
Dispute Management team, the Affirmative action of the Title IX office.
*Note you may complete the form as a bystander, and the form has anonymous and
non-anonymous avenues for reporting.

Have you experienced or witnessed incidents of dating violence, stalking, sexual assault or sexual harassment?
Action: Share incident with using the sexual assault reporting form.
Outcome: This will be handled by the Title IX office.
*Note you may complete the form as a bystander, and the form has anonymous and
non-anonymous avenues for reporting. In case of emergency call the police, or campus
police 607-777-2222

Do you have any personal interpersonal situations that you would like to discuss
anonymously with an impartial campus member? Or are you looking for a first
step about a concern, and don’t know where to start?
Action: Contact the campus Ombudsman
Outcome: The Ombudsman offers a safe place to voice your concerns, evaluate your
situation, organize your thoughts and identify your options. The office operates with strict confidentiality and keeps no records identifying visitors. It is good first step if you don't know where else to turn or how to proceed.

Are you struggling with personal situations that might impact your well-being?:
Action: Contact the CARE Team
Outcome: A case manager will be assigned to help identify issues and solutions to
move forward.

DEI Events