
Binghamton offers a BA in theatre, providing students with the opportunity to take courses in areas such as: acting, directing, dance, and design/technical theatre. In addition, students can take classes in Costumes, Lights, Scenery, Stage Management, Theatre Criticism, History and Theory and Technical Production and more are offered as well. Click to see all classes being offered this semester!

In the BA in Theatre track, you can concentrate in Acting/Directing, Dance and Design/Technical Theatre. The BFA track is in Musical Theater.

Declaring the Major

Meet with the Department Chair and Undergraduate Director, Barbara Wolfe. Visit FA 127 to check in with the office staff to see if she’s available or make an appointment by email. Click to sign up for the Theatre Listserv.

Harpur College Requirements: 

All Binghamton University undergraduate students are required to fulfill this set of university-wide requirements to ensure that every graduate acquires the essential core of a SUNY university undergraduate education. Please refer to the General Education page for more information.

All students in Harpur College must fulfill additional requirements designated by Harpur to complement and extend the general education requirements. Please refer to theHarpur College Degree Requirements section of the Bulletin for more information.

  • 126 credits
  • 94 liberal arts and sciences credits
  • Minimum of 46 upper-level credits
  • Completion of the Harpur College writing requirement (four to five courses as described in the All-College Writing section of the Harpur College Undergraduate Information section of the Bulletin. Maximum of one C/J course and two W courses may be transferred).
  • Minimum of 44 credits in residence in Harpur College
  • 2.0 or higher GPA

Harpur College requirements are described in detail in the Requirements for Graduation section of the Harpur College Undergraduate Information section of the Bulletin.

Theatre Major Requirements

In addition to the general education and Harpur College requirements, students must fulfill the below requirements specific to the Theatre Program:

Students majoring in Theatre are required to take a minimum of 56 credits as described below. The Theatre Department requires that at least 28 credits be taken in residence. Of those 28 credits, four credits of technical practica must be taken in residence. It is possible to transfer any of the core courses (including an introductory acting class) into the Department of Theatre, as well as practica and courses outside the major, up to the limit prescribed above.

Note: Pass/fail grading option is not acceptable for the courses taken to satisfy the theatre major.

Course Requirements for All Emphases in the Theatre BA

Courses are for 4 credits unless otherwise noted.

History and Literature Courses: (12 credits)

  • THEA 204 History of Theatre
  • THEA 306 World Dramatic Literature OR THEA 206* Introduction to World Dramatic Lit.

*Students pursuing the transfer path should fulfill this requirement with THEA 206.

  • Upper-level modern theater history course such as:
    • THEA 309 Performance and Modern Culture

Introductory Acting Course: (four credits)

  • THEA 207 Actor Training I: Basic Process OR THEA 208 Introduction to Acting (by audition)

Technical Courses: (12 credits)

  • THEA 203 Technical Production
  • THEP 216 Production Lab: Run Crew (2 credits)
  • PRACTICA (credit for working on production)
    • Technical Practica (numbered THEP 213-216, 270-276, 370-376, and 470-476)
      • two-credit upper-level technical practica in Costume Shop
      • two-credit upper-level technical practica in Scene Shop or Lighting Hang/Focus
      • two-credit upper-level technical practica in Run Crew
    • Performance Practica are granted for participation in performance assignments, but are not required. (Numbered THEP 260-266, THEP 360-366, and THEP 460-466.)

Additional Required Courses by Emphasis

Acting and Directing Emphasis: (28 credits)

  • THEA 307 Intermediate Acting II: Meisner Technique
  • THEA 308 Intermediate Acting:  Scene Study
  • THEA 310 Actor Training: Body Work
  • THEA 311 Actor Training: Voice Work 

Four credits upper-level elective(s) in Acting/Directing such as:

  • THEA 315: Musical Theatre I: Acting the Song
  • THEA 333: Business of Theatre
  • THEA 351: Playwriting
  • THEA 352: Professional Speaking for All
  • THEA 353: On Camera Acting
  • THEA 357: Stage Management
  • THEA 359: Directing 1
  • THEA 360: Public Speaking: Sheroes and Heroes
  • THEA 361: Dramaturgy and the Musical
  • THEA 415: Mus Thea II: Scene Study
  • THEA 389H: Acting Shakespeare
  • THEA 387K: Professional Practice (2cr)
  • THEA 389B: Auditioning and the Business of Acting
  • THEA 389U: Devising: Creating Original Work 

Four credits dramatic literature course(s) such as:

  • ENG 245: Shakespeare (students pursuing the Transfer Path in Theatre must fulfill this requirement with ENG 245)
  • THEA 261: 21st Century US Plays
  • THEA 262: Multi-Culturalism in Music Theater
  • THEA 361: Dramaturgy and the Musical 

Four credits of a music, music theory or dance course(s):

  • THEA 119: Musical Theatre Singing (two credits)
  • THEA 219: Broadway for Beginners
  • THEA 222: Beginning Dance
  • THEA 319: Voice Lessons Intermediate (one credit)
  • THEA 419: Voice Lessons Advanced (one credit)
  • THEA 223: Tap 1 (two credits)
  • THEA 225: Ballet 1
  • THEA 226: Jazz 1
  • THEA 227: Modern 1
  • THEA 229: Beginning African Dance
  • THEA 331: Dances of South Asia 

Dance Emphasis: (20 credits)

Four credits of lower-level dance such as:

  • THEA 223: Dance Technique 1: Tap (two credits)
  • THEA 225: Dance Technique 1: Ballet
  • THEA 226: Dance Technique 1: Jazz
  • THEA 227: Dance Technique 1: Modern
  • THEA 229: Beginning African Dance 

Eight credits of upper-level dance such as:

  • THEA 325: Dance Technique 2: Ballet
  • THEA 326: Dance Technique 2: Jazz
  • THEA 327: Dance Technique 2: Modern
  • THEA 328: Dance Technique 2: Tap 
  • THEA 329: Adv. African Dance 

Four credits of dance somatics such as:

  • THEA 322 Choreography

Four credits of upper-level elective in dance theory such as:

  • THEA 331: Dances of South Asia 
  • THEA 389A: Dance, Power and Identity 

Two credits in music theory such as:

  • MUS 121: Music Fundamentals (two credits)
  • MUS 215: Theory 1 

Two credits introductory music such as:

  • THEA 119: Musical Theatre Singing (two credits)
  • THEA 319: Voice Lessons Intermediate (one credit)
  • THEA 419: Voice Lessons Advanced (one credit) 

Design/Tech Emphasis: (28 credits)

Eight credits of design tech class  such as:

  • THEA 246: Theatrical Make-up Techniques
  • THEA 302: History of Decorative Arts and Fashion
  • THEA 340: Scene Design Workshop
  • THEA 341: Stage Lighting 
  • THEA 342: Costume Design
  • THEA 343: Costume Technology
  • THEA 344: Sound Design
  • THEA 346: Scene Painting
  • THEA 347: Drafting for Theatre
  • THEA 348: Scenic Rendering
  • THEA 357: Stage Management
  • THEA 389M: Portfolio Development 

Four additional credits of upper-level technical practica on a mainstage production or additional design/tech class such as:

  • THEP 370-376
  • THEP 470-476
  • THEA 246: Theatrical Make-up Techniques
  • THEA 302: History of Decorative Arts and Fashion
  • THEA 340: Scene Design Workshop
  • THEA 341: Stage Lighting 
  • THEA 342: Costume Design
  • THEA 343: Costume Technology
  • THEA 344: Sound Design
  • THEA 346: Scene Painting
  • THEA 347. Drafting for Theatre
  • THEA 348: Scenic Rendering
  • THEA 357: Stage Management
  • THEA 389M: Portfolio Development 

Eight credits of 400-level practica in the area of student specialization such as:

  • THEP 470-476 

Four credits in drawing such as:

  • ARTS 171:  Drawing 1
  • THEA 347: Drafting for Theatre
  • THEA 348: Scenic Rendering
  • THEA 389Z: Principles of Design: 2D/3D 

Four credits in history of art or architecture such as:

  • THEA 302: History of Decorative Arts and Fashion
  • ARTH 103: Introduction to Architecture 

Musical Theatre BFA Major

The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre at Binghamton University is a four-year progression of classes that will give you the foundation you need in acting, singing and dancing: the three skills at the heart of this art form. In addition to performance courses in a wide range of techniques, you will audition for mainstage and studio productions ranging from the classical to the contemporary, including musicals, plays and dance productions.

Note: Pass/fail grading option is not acceptable for the courses taken to satisfy the theatre major.

Acting Courses (28 credits)

The following acting courses are required for all BFA majors:

  • THEA 207. Actor Training I: Basic Processes (four credits)
  • THEA 308. Intermediate Acting: Scene Study (four credits)
  • THEA 310. Actor Training: Body Work (four credits)
  • THEA 307. Intermediate Acting: Meisner (four credits)
  • THEA 311. Actor Training: Voice Work (four credits)
  • THEA 315 Musical Theatre I: Acting the Song (four credits)
  • THEA 415 Musical Theatre II: Scene Study (four credits)

Music Courses (14 credits)

  • Two credits introductory music, such as:
    • THEA 286A: Intro to MT Musicianship I (one credit)
    • THEA 286B: Intro to MT Musicianship II (one credit)
  • Four credits in musical principles electives
    • THEA 386A: MT Musicianship I (one credit)
    • THEA 386B: MT Musicianship II (one credit)
    • THEA 486A: MT Musicianship III (one credit)
    • THEA 486B: MT Musicianship IV (one credit)
  • Eight credits of voice training, such as:
    • THEA 319: Voice Lessons Intermediate (one credit) taken four times
    • THEA 419: Voice Lessons Advanced (one credit) taken four times

Dance Courses (12 credits)

The following dance courses are required for all BFA majors:

  • THEA 223 Dance Technique I: Tap (two credits) taken twice
  • THEA 225 Ballet I ( four credits)
  • THEA 226 Jazz I (four credits)

Theatre History and Literature Courses (12 credits)

The following are required for all BFA majors:

  • THEA 204 History of Theatre (four credits)
  • THEA 306 World Dramatic Literature (four credits)
  • Four credits of modern theater history such as 
    • THEA 309 Performance and Modern Culture 
    • THEA 262 Multiculturalism in Musical Theatre

Technical Theatre Courses (10 credits)

The following are required for all BFA majors;

  • THEA 203 Theory of Technical Production (four credits)
  • THEP 216 Production Lab: Run Crew (two credits)
  • Two credits of technical practicum in scene construction 
  • Two credits of technical practicum in costuming

Note to Transfer Theatre Majors:

The Theater Department requires that at least 28 credits be taken in residence. Of those 28 credits, four credits of technical practica must be taken in residence. It is possible to transfer any of the core courses (including THEA 207, 208 and upper-level tech courses) into the Department of Theatre, as well as practica and courses outside the major, up to the limit prescribed above. Courses that transfer in must cover equivalent material and have similar course descriptions. A syllabus and course description may be required. Decisions about equivalency will be made by the undergraduate advisor, with the advice of the appropriate teacher for the courses considered. Dance classes must require at least 63 hours of in-class dance practice to transfer.

Senior Thesis

The Department of Theatre views senior thesis as a reward for excellence in the student’s area of specialization. Students should discuss thesis availability with their advisors. Students are urged to declare their theatre major at an early date. This will enable them to plan their course of study carefully with the director of undergraduate studies.

Theatre Minor

A minor in theatre consists of four non-practicum theater courses (16 credits), plus eight credits of practicum. One of the non-practica courses (beginning with the prefix THEA) must be chosen from the following:


  • THEA 203 Theory of Technical Production and THEP 213 or 214 or 215 or 216 Technical Production Lab (does not count toward practica below)
    • or THEA 204 History of the Theatre
    • or THEA 306 World Dramatic Literature
    • or THEA 309 Performance and Modern Culture

The other three non-practica courses may be chosen from any non-practicum theater courses (beginning with the prefix THEA) for which the student is eligible, except THEA 391 and THEA 491.


To satisfy the practicum requirement, the student must earn four credits of technical practica. The remaining four credits of practica may be satisfied by earning four credits of performance practica or an additional four credits of technical practica, or any combination of technical and performance practica, THEP 213, 214, 215 and 216 are not acceptable for this section.

Note: The Pass/Fail grading option is not acceptable for courses taken to satisfy the six-course theatre minor.

Note: The Theatre Department requires that 12 credits be taken in residence. Of those, four credits of technical practica must be taken in residence to receive a theatre minor.

Note: Performance practica are numbered THEP 260-266, THEP 360-366 and THEP 460-466. Technical practica are numbered THEP 270-276, 370-376 and 470-476.

Honors Program

Departmental honors are awarded to senior majors who have completed a substantive body of significant work, in one or more areas of specialization, which meets exceptionally high standards. These students must have demonstrated consistently noteworthy motivation and development over a period of at least four semesters of participation in departmental activities.

A logical progression would be to do outstanding work in both semesters of the junior year and first semester of the senior year. During the latter term, the student would be nominated as suggested below, thereby bringing his or her work to the attention of those voting members unaware of his or her accomplishments to date and alerting them to be aware of the student’s endeavors during the upcoming term, in which the deciding vote will be cast.

Students may be nominated for honors by individual faculty members or professional staff personnel (it is considered appropriate for students to have sought support and sponsorship from a member of the faculty or professional staff who would then nominate them). The final decision regarding the awarding of honors rests with the entire Theatre Department non-student membership.

To receive honors, students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.25 in the major. High honors requires a cumulative GPA of 3.5 in the major. Highest honors will be given only to those with a cumulative GPA of 3.75 or above in the major.

For more information on the Theatre program, please refer to the Theatre website or email for more information. To apply to the Theatre program, please visit University Admissions.

List of Faculty