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Watson College Undergraduate Information
Established in 1983, the Thomas J. Watson College of Engineering and Applied Science consists of the departments of Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Systems Science and Industrial Engineering. The Engineering Design Division is responsible for the first-year engineering program, which is common to all engineering majors.
Watson College offers bachelor of science degrees in biomedical engineering, computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering, industrial and systems engineering, information systems (dual-diploma) and mechanical engineering.
Watson College's undergraduate programs combine a strong base in fundamentals with extensive practical application through laboratory and design projects. Modern computer facilities and instructional laboratories support these programs. Students are also encouraged to obtain additional technical experience through summer internships.
The graduate program provides strong research opportunities in all academic departments. Graduate students may pursue a Master of Science (MS) in biomedical engineering, computer science, electrical and computer engineering, healthcare systems engineering, industrial and systems engineering, information systems, mechanical engineering or systems science, or the Master of Engineering (MEng), which is a practice-oriented graduate degree. The college offers the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in biomedical engineering, computer science, electrical and computer engineering, industrial and systems engineering, mechanical engineering, and systems science. In addition, Watson College offers an Advanced Graduate Certificate program in complex systems science and engineering, which is available for graduate students in any major, and an Advanced Graduate Certificate program in cybersecurity, a collaboration between the departments of Computer Science, and Electrical and Computer Engineering. Master of Science (MS) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees in materials science and engineering are available through the Graduate School.
Continuing education courses for students, professionals and engineers are offered online or on campus through the Thomas J. Watson College of Engineering and Applied Science's Office of Industrial Outreach, which also manages the New York Strategic Partnership for Industrial Resurgence (SPIR) and all other Watson College industry initiatives. For more information, contact the director of industrial outreach for Watson College.
Watson College Undergraduate Information
Submit inquiries to:
Thomas J. Watson College of Engineering and Applied Science
Binghamton University
PO Box 6000
Binghamton, New York 13902-6000
Email: wtsngrad@binghamton.edu
The following bachelor of science degrees are offered by Watson College. For full descriptions, refer to the individual program sections in this Bulletin:
- Bachelor of Science (BS) - Biomedical Engineering
- Bachelor of Science (BS) - Computer Science
- Bachelor of Science (BS) - Computer Engineering
- Bachelor of Science (BS) - Electrical Engineering
- Bachelor of Science (BS) - Industrial and Systems Engineering
- Bachelor of Science (BS) - Information Systems (Dual Diploma)
- Bachelor of Science (BS) - Mechanical Engineering
The Bachelor of Science program in Computer Science is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org, under the General Criteria and the Computer Science and Similarly Named Computing Programs Program Criteria. The Bachelor of Science program in Biomedical Engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org, under the General Criteria and the Bioengineering, Biomedical, and Similarly Named Engineering Programs Program Criteria. The Bachelor of Science program in Computer Engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org, under the General Criteria and the Electrical, Computer, Communications, Telecommunication(s), and Similarly Named Engineering Programs Program Criteria. The Bachelor of Science program in Electrical Engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org, under the General Criteria and the Electrical, Computer, Communications, Telecommunication(s), and Similarly Named Engineering Programs Program Criteria. The Bachelor of Science program in Industrial and Systems Engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org, under the General Criteria and the Industrial Engineering and Similarly Named Engineering Programs Program Criteria and the Systems and Similarly Named Engineering Programs Program Criteria. The Bachelor of Science program in Mechanical Engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org, under the General Criteria and the Mechanical and Similarly Named Engineering Programs Program Criteria.
The bachelor of science programs in engineering are licensure-qualifying programs. Students in a bachelor of science program in engineering who are within 20 credits of graduation, or who have graduated from one of Binghamton University's EAC/ABET accredited bachelor of science programs in engineering, are automatically eligible to sit for the NCEES FE exam (National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying, Fundamentals of Engineering exam).
Note: Students who have previously been convicted of a felony are advised that their prior criminal history may impede their ability to complete the requirements of programs in Watson College, participate in certain activities or projects, and/or obtain professional engineering licenses. Students who have concerns about such matters are advised to contact the Watson College's associate dean for academic affairs and administration in the dean's office.
Various accelerated degree (4+1) BS/MS programs and BS/MBA options are also available to Watson College juniors. For further information on BS/MS programs, refer to the combined programs section of this publication or contact the department of the major. For information on BS/MBA options, refer to the combined programs section of this publication and contact the department of the major or contact the School of Management.
Other double degrees are possible and may be discussed on an individual basis in the Watson Advising Office.
Continuing Education Status
Individuals interested in taking courses for credit, but not in pursuing a degree program, may apply for admission as continuing education students. All continuing education students are subject to the administrative guidelines described elsewhere in this publication. Upon acceptance, they may enroll as space permits in Watson College courses for which they have completed the prerequisites. Courses taken under continuing education status may be accepted later to satisfy requirements in specific Watson College degree programs. A student may take a maximum of 24 credit hours as a continuing education student.
Academic Policies
Watson College follows the academic policies described in the Academic Guide (Formerly Bulletin). Watson College students are expected to be familiar with, and abide by, the regulations in this section.
All matriculated students follow the requirements for graduation listed in the Academic Guide (Formerly Bulletin) currently at the time they are admitted. However, undergraduate students who interrupt enrollments for three or more consecutive semesters are governed by the Academic Guide (Formerly Bulletin) in effect when they are re-enrolled. Exceptions are made for students eligible to return to Binghamton who were forced to leave because of involuntary call to military service.
Program Load and Planning
Undergraduate students are considered full time if they are registered for 12 credit hours or more. The maximum number of credits a Watson College student may take, without an approved petition, is 18. For engineering students with a 3.3 GPA, overloads up to 22 credits will be automatic after the first week of classes; however, computer science students must submit a petition to the CS undergraduate director. Others who wish to petition can still use the general academic petition for review.
Watson College students may drop below 12 credits without consent and be classified as part-time students. All students receiving financial aid should check with the Office of Financial Aid before dropping to part-time status because their action may affect aid eligibility.
Requirements for Degrees
To receive any Watson College undergraduate engineering degree, students must satisfactorily complete 30 credits of residency, meaning courses taken entirely in Watson College. The undergraduate computer science degree requires 40 credits of residency. Students must also complete 45 credits of upper-level (300-400) coursework. Requests for exceptions to this policy must be made by petition to the Watson College Undergraduate Studies Committee and be approved by the dean.
Students must not be under any disciplinary action at the time of graduation. They must also pay or satisfactorily adjust all fees and bills.
For additional graduation requirements, consult the descriptions of the specific degree programs.
General Education Requirements
All Watson College students are subject to the University's General Education requirements.
Grading System
Students who enroll in courses offered outside of Watson College undergraduate programs are graded according to the grading system of the school offering the course.
Watson College undergraduate courses are graded in one of two ways:
- A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D, F, W; or
- Pass/Fail.
Watson College students must meet all degree requirements under the letter grade option. The only exceptions are for any General Education activity/wellness courses only offered on a Pass/Fail basis. Computer science majors are allowed an additional four credits of free elective work that may be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.
Under extraordinary circumstances that prevent a student from completing the end-of-the-semester assignments or final exams, instructors may temporarily submit a grade notation of Incomplete, which appears in grade reports as “I”, subject to departmental approval. Students must work with their professor to construct a mutually agreed timeline for work to be completed before an incomplete grade notation is submitted. A grade of Incomplete must be removed and replaced with a permanent grade no later than the last day of classes of the semester following the one in which it was received; however, an instructor may set an earlier date for completion of the work. If the grade is not removed by the applicable date, the grade of "I" automatically becomes a grade of "F".
A grade of “I” does not satisfy a prerequisite for subsequent courses. If there is a need to satisfy a prerequisite, then either: (1) the student should resolve the incomplete grade before the subsequent course begins, or (2) a prerequisite waiver must be approved and documented prior to the start of the subsequent course. This waiver can be based only on work completed before the subsequent course begins.
Appeal of Final Grade
Students seeking to appeal a final grade must first try to resolve the issue with the instructor issuing the grade and then the department chairperson, before appealing to the associate dean for academic affairs and administration. The associate dean and the department chairpersons will not consider any appeal that is made on the basis of disagreement with the instructor over content of an exam answer, paper or other assignment. Appeals are only considered by the department chairpersons and the associate dean when they meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Instructor violated the terms of the syllabus
- Instructor made an error in calculating or recording a grade
- Instructor violated a University policy when he/she gave assignments, administered exams or assigned grades
- Instructor applied an inconsistent grading standard across students
- Instructor did not allow the student to complete assignments or exams missed before the student added the course
- Instructor violated a written agreement with the student
Students appeal their final grade by completing the Final Grade Appeal Form.
Grade changes for fall semester courses should be completed by the end of the second week of classes in the spring semester and changes for spring semester courses should be completed within four weeks of spring Commencement.
Watson College Policy for Course Withdrawal after the Official University Withdrawal Deadline
Under extraordinary circumstances, a student may petition a late withdrawal from a course via BU BRAIN. This is subject to the approval of the instructor, the department and Watson Advising. Both of the following are to be submitted for consideration:
A complete description of extenuating circumstances
Accompanying official documentation (letters, incidence reports, etc.)
Both of the above are mandatory. A request must be received by the Watson Advising
Office by the last day of classes in the current semester of the course. It is against
Watson College policy to permit course withdrawal from prior semesters.
For semester withdrawal, students should refer to the University policy.
Repeating Courses
Under certain circumstances students may repeat a course in which a passing grade was earned; however, only the first passing grade counts in the grade point average. Both grades are displayed on the transcript, with the second passing grade noted as a repeated course. The repeated course counts toward full-time enrollment for the semester. As students make their decisions about repeating courses, they should consult Watson Advising for guidance.
When students repeat a course, whether due to a failing grade or to receive a better grade, those credits will be counted as attempted for purposes of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and federal aid calculations to determine rate of completion and maximum time frame rules. Refer to the financial aid website for additional information.
Add/Drop Policies
Students are expected to be familiar with the University-wide policies governing changes in their course registration, specifically the add/drop deadlines. Deadlines can be found on the University calendar. No changes can be made to a student record after the degree has been conferred.
Note: If an academic petition is approved for a late add or late drop because of extraordinary circumstances, a late add/drop fee is placed on the student's account.
Change of Major
Watson engineering students in their first semester of residence (within declared major) who wish to change their major, must receive approval from the intended major/department (signed General Academic Petition).
Academic Standing
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Students’ academic progress is reviewed at the end of each regular semester to ensure that satisfactory progress is maintained. “Satisfactory progress” is defined as maintaining a 2.0 grade-point average (GPA). The GPA is calculated on a 4.0 system using the following grade-point equivalents:
A = 4.0 A- = 3.7 B+ = 3.3 B = 3.0 B- = 2.7
C+ = 2.3 C = 2.0 C- = 1.7 D = 1.0 F = 0.0
Academic Honors
Full-time students who complete a semester with a 3.5 or better GPA are placed on the Dean’s Honors List. This honor is noted on the permanent transcript.
For graduation honors, the criteria are:
- 3.50-3.69 GPA: cum laude
- 3.70-3.84 GPA: magna cum laude
- 3.85-4.00 GPA: summa cum laude
Academic Probation and Suspension
Probation: Students whose cumulative GPA for courses taken at Binghamton falls below 2.0 are placed on academic probation for the following semester and are subject to the following restrictions:
- They may not register for more than 14 credit hours.
- They may not campaign for or accept any campus office or committee chairmanship.
Students are removed from probation after the fall and spring semesters if their cumulative GPA is 2.0 or above.
Academic probation does not preclude students from receiving financial aid. Standards for financial eligibility are described in the Financial Information section of this publication.
Suspension: Students who, for a second time, fail to meet both the 2.0 cumulative GPA and the last-semester GPA given in the Academic Dismissal Index table below are suspended. Suspension lasts for one academic semester, not including summer. If approved for readmission after a semester away, the student must maintain the minimum semester average noted below to avoid dismissal. Returning students who meet their last-semester GPA requirement as indicated below, but still have a cumulative GPA under 2.0, are once again on probation.
Credit Hours Attempted | Last Semester GPA |
0-16 | 2.0 |
17-48 | 2.1 |
49-64 | 2.2 |
65+ | 2.3 |
Suspension Appeal: Appeals will be considered for students, but only if there are extreme circumstances that contributed to their suspension. An appeal letter must be written by the suspended student. Any health-related appeal must be accompanied by acceptable medical or mental health documentation and must include written statements by health professionals. Any other type of extreme emergency situation must also be carefully and officially documented. In addition, students must provide a plan for how the extreme circumstances have been resolved and provide proof so that further difficulties will not occur if the student is allowed to continue coursework in the next semester. Inclusion of these materials does not guarantee a successful appeal. The appeals review committee is composed of a faculty representative of each academic department in Watson College. Decisions by the appeals review committee are final.
Suspension Readmission: Students who decide to request readmission after the minimum of one semester away from school due to suspension are required to contact the Watson Advising Office to discuss their academic plan and begin the readmission process.
Final Dismissal: Students who, after being suspended and readmitted, again fail to meet the required academic standards are dismissed. All dismissals are final.
Withdrawal and Readmission
Undergraduate students who withdraw from Watson College during any semester and wish to remain in good standing must follow a formal withdrawal procedure. Mere absence from class does not constitute withdrawal. A grade of W is assigned when the student has withdrawn from all courses and thus, from the University. Grades of W do not count as courses taken.
Watson College applies the same withdrawal and readmission policies as established for the University, except that Watson College students may drop below a 12-credit program without permission.
Undergraduate students must apply for readmission through the Undergraduate Admissions Office if they have not been in attendance for at least three consecutive semesters. Re-enrollment applications are available on the Office of Undergraduate Admissions website.
Students who interrupt enrollment for three or more consecutive semesters are governed by the Academic Guide (Formerly Bulletin) in effect when they are re-enrolled. Summer sessions and the semester when a student officially withdraws are not included in this count. Exceptions are made for students eligible to continue at Binghamton who were forced to leave because of involuntary call to military service.
Students who have missed fewer than three consecutive semesters may register online during their assigned registration time.
Student Organizations and Honor Societies
Refer to Watson College's student organization webpage. All Watson College students are eligible to receive the services provided for all students at Binghamton University, and to participate in the various student activities. Students should familiarize themselves with the Academic Guide (Formerly Bulletin) sections on services for students and student activities.
BS in Engineering
Students transferring into Watson College have their credits evaluated on a course-by-course basis. Any courses in which they receive a grade of C- or better and which apply to their major requirements may transfer. Students transferring into the third year of computer engineering, electrical engineering, industrial and systems engineering, or mechanical engineering normally hold the degree of associate of science in engineering science (or equivalent coursework). Students transferring into biomedical engineering typically transfer into the second year of the biomedical engineering curriculum.
Students transferring into Watson College should work with the Watson College Advising Office to have their current and future coursework evaluated for transfer. The Watson College Advising Office evaluates all credits on a course-by-course basis, including General Education courses and major requirements.
BS in Computer Science
All transfer courses that earn a C- or better, including computer science major requirements and General Education courses, are awarded transfer credit on a course-by-course basis. Transfer students should work with the Watson College Advising Office to have their current and future coursework evaluated for transfer.
Thomas J. Watson College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Programs
Submit inquiries to:
Thomas J. Watson College of Engineering and Applied Science
Binghamton University
PO Box 6000
Binghamton, New York 13902-6000
Email: wtsngrad@binghamton.edu
Master of Science (MS) Degree Programs
Watson College offers the following Master of Science (MS) degree programs:
- MS - Biomedical Engineering
- MS - Computer Science
- MS - Data Analytics (multidisciplinary program with School of Management and Harpur College)
- MS - Electrical and Computer Engineering
- MS - Healthcare Systems Engineering
- MS - Industrial and Systems Engineering
- MS - Information Systems
- MS - Materials Science and Engineering (multidisciplinary program with Harpur College)
- MS - Mechanical Engineering
- MS - Systems Science
- MPA - Public Administration/MS - Systems Science: This is a double-degree program with the College of Community and Public Affairs
- MS - Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention/ MS - System Science: This is a double-degree program with the University-Wide Institute for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention
MS Degree Program Concentrations (Tracks) - Optional
There are also optional concentrations (tracks) available with the following MS degree programs:
- MS Computer Science tracks:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Cybersecurity
- MS Industrial and Systems Engineering tracks:
- Health Systems
- Executive Health Systems (see below)
- Engineering Management
- MS Information Systems track:
- Applied Data Science
- MS Systems Science track:
- Health Systems
- Executive Health Systems (see below)
The Department of Systems Science and Industrial Engineering offers a 12-month program to complete either a MS in Industrial and Systems Engineering or a MS in Systems Science with an Executive Health Systems concentration. This program is designed to provide individuals with a bachelor's degree the opportunity to gain sufficient knowledge and skills for modeling, analyzing and/or designing healthcare delivery systems and processes. Classes are held once a week (typically on Saturdays) at the SUNY College of Optometry in New York, N.Y. and/or online for distance learners.
Master of Engineering (MEng) Degree Programs
Watson College offers a Master of Engineering (MEng) degree with specializations in the following areas:
- Industrial Engineering
- Systems Engineering
Doctoral (PhD) Degree Programs
In addition, Watson College offers the following doctoral (PhD) degree programs:
- PhD - Biomedical Engineering
- PhD - Computer Science
- PhD - Electrical and Computer Engineering
- PhD - Industrial and Systems Engineering
- PhD - Materials Science and Engineering (multidisciplinary program with Harpur College)
- PhD - Mechanical Engineering
- PhD - Systems Science
Interdisciplinary graduate degrees in materials science and engineering and in data analytics are available. See the Graduate School section of the Academic Guide (Formerly Bulletin).
Watson College offers two advanced graduate certificate programs: one in complex systems science and engineering, which is available for graduate students in any major, and one in cybersecurity. The Cybersecurity Advanced Graduate Certificate is open to graduate students in computer science, electrical and computer engineering or a closely related area as an add-on certificate program or as a standalone certificate program to non-matriculated students. Non-matriculated students who intend to apply to Binghamton University to earn the certificate, but not a graduate degree, are required to hold a bachelor's degree in CS, ECE or a closely related area.
Watson College graduate programs offer a wide array of academic and research opportunities. Specific program requirements and areas of program concentration are more fully described in subsequent sections of the Academic Guide (Formerly Bulletin), as well as on the departmental websites.
Admission to the Graduate Programs
Prospective students should visit the Graduate School website to review admission requirements, check deadlines, review cost and funding information, arrange a visit and to apply using the online application.
Academic Policies and Procedures
Watson College graduate students are expected to follow the academic policies and procedures set forth by the Graduate School, as well as their academic department. For Graduate School academic policies and procedures, refer to the Graduate School Manual or to the Academic Policies and Procedures for Graduate Students section of the Bulletin. Graduate students must also be familiar with the policies and procedures established by their academic department.
Research in Watson College spans all academic departments. Areas of specialization are multidisciplinary and reflect the talents and interests of Watson College faculty members. For more information regarding Watson College research, equipment and facilities, refer to the Watson College Research web page and Watson College departmental research web pages.
Academic Programs
Below you will find information for all of Watson College's academic programs. Click on the + sign to reveal our undergraduate, 4+1/combined, and graduate programs.