Home previousMarch 25nextTuesday, March 25 8:00 AMNational Waffle Day at Breakfast and Beyond 9:00 AMNYS Tax Assistance Program 10:00 AMCampus Chargebacks 10:00 AMTURCA TABLE TALKS 12:00 PMAmerican Red Cross Blood Drive Tabling12:00 PMBUAM Spring 2025 Exhibitions12:00 PMSASE Exchange Ticket Tabling12:00 PMBua Loy Fundraiser12:15 PMBig 3 (Squat, Deadlift, Bench) Clinic 12:30 PMFamily + Relative English Experience - Join the Conversation! 1:00 PM Education Abroad Drop-In Advising (In-Person) 1:00 PMBusiness Intelligence 1:00 PMESURC Tuesday Office Hours 1:00 PMEducation Abroad Health and Safety Drop-in Advising (Hybrid) 1:00 PMJumpstart Your Career in Public Health! 2:00 PMDTC's Mutant Mania Music Competition 2:00 PM Financial Literacy: Q Center 2:00 PMFinancial Wellness w/ the Fleishman Center 3:00 PMPreparing to Go Abroad: Studying in Italy and Spain! 3:00 PMDecker College Alumni Coffee Chat: Hospital based nursing, Travel nursing, Wellness promoter, alternative medicine (Ayrueveda - Traditional Indian Medicine) 3:00 PMGrad Writing Consultation 3:30 PMArt of Revolution 4:00 PMLet's Talk 4:30 PMPALdan Cupcake Decorating 4:30 PMWomen's Trivia Night 4:45 PMCareers with a Cause- Tabling Event 6:00 PMSmall Group Bible Study with Nicky 6:00 PMCreating Crafts! 6:00 PMDTC's Mutant Mania Wiki Games 6:00 PMResearch Days: Poster Session Workshop 6:30 PMMovie Night 6:30 PMFRN Movie Night 6:30 PMCurds in Bloom 6:30 PMKeshet Succulent Adoption and Spring Success 7:00 PMProtein Shakes with CA Evan and CA Gressa 7:00 PMASL Club GBM 7:00 PMLight Painting Photography 7:00 PMFinance & Financial Services Panel 7:00 PMMSA Iftar 7:00 PMGDG Workshop 7:00 PMBAH x MEM: Candlelight Creations 7:30 PMQuiz Bowl and Trivia Weekly Meeting 7:30 PMSmall Group Bible Study with Franklin & Josh D 7:30 PMYou, Me & Intersectionality 8:00 PMEucharistic Adoration 8:00 PMPokemon Fan Club: Powerpoint Night