Yunus Tekin and Celena Chin utilize Fleishman Center services to perfect their post-graduate education applications

The Fleishman Center for Career and Development offers many tools and services to assist students with their post-graduate education application process.

Yunus HeadshotWhile finishing up his master’s degree in biological sciences, Yunus Tekin began the application process for medical school. Celena Chin was a senior majoring in English with dual minors in education and health and wellness applying to graduate schools. Both students reached out to the Fleishman Center during this busy period in their lives. 

After earning a bachelor's degree in neuroscience at Binghamton University, and then spending much of his time gaining experience volunteering, shadowing, researching and interning, Tekin felt his medical school application was ready. But when it came to interviewing, Tekin’s nerves got the best of him, so he decided to complete  a mock interview with a career consultant. “I knew what I wanted to say, but I was so nervous I would overthink the most basic questions,” Tekin said. “[The mock interview at the Fleishman Center] turned out to be amazing.”

Offered year-round, mock interviews help students prepare for upcoming employment, internship or school interviews. The practice provided during a mock interview will help sharpen interview skills and make meaningful changes based on constructive feedback. 

“We talked for 30 minutes and went over some key points in my experiences that I should highlight on my interview day, “ Tekin said. “[The career consultant] was really great in clearing my mind and calming me down!”  Tekin left feeling confident in his abilities and interview answers. When his interview day rolled around, Tekin said it went perfectly, and before long, he was accepted into medical school. 

Celena Chin HeadshotChin utilized the Fleishman Center’s one-on-one career consulting services to polish her resume for potential job opportunities and graduate school. After receiving feedback on her resume and assistance provided during the application process, Chin applied and was accepted to her top graduate school: Columbia University’s Teachers College.

Chin said she was grateful for the Fleishman Center’s tools that helped her develop a presentable and competitive resume, leading her to accomplish her goals. Chin will be pursuing her initial Teacher’s Certification in the K-12 Teaching of English Program at Columbia and will also be a student ambassador for the school.

“Growing up, I never would have believed that I had what it takes to even be considered for an Ivy League,” Chin said. “But Binghamton University has provided me the challenges I needed to be more courageous, dream bigger, and work harder for what I want.”