Employment Opportunities

We would like to invite you to our virtual graduate student open house which is hosted by the Chemistry Graduate Program and the Biochemistry and Chemical Biology Graduate Program at SUNY Binghamton University, New York, USA (see attached flyer). The open house will be on Thursday, January 11, at 9 am - 12 pm Eastern Standard Time. Please sign up at the link below. If you are not available, please sign up too, and we will send you video content. Our priority application deadline for both graduate programs is on January 15. We are very much looking forward to welcoming you virtually on our Campus and answer any questions you may have about our two graduate programs!



1. Introduction to the Chemistry Graduate Program and the Biochemistry and Chemical Biology Graduate Program at SUNY Binghamton University by our Chairs, followed by a Q&A:

Dr. Christof Grewer, Department Chair
Dr. Jennifer Hirschi, Chemistry Graduate Program Chair
Dr. Brian Callahan, Biochemistry and Chemical Biology Program Chair
Dr. Julien Panetier, Graduate Admission Chair

2. Meetings with graduate students from your preferred Chemistry discipline

3. Individual meetings with faculty

directory of faculty members and their research group websites 

4. Virtual Building Tour

Openhouse flyer

Graduate Studies in Chemistry flyer