Harpur College “Finish Line” Grant Program
The Finish Line grant program has been paused for 2024-25.
Please submit proposals in advance of the deadline, if possible.
The goal of this grant program is to support faculty at the associate professor rank who require resources to assist them in completing “finish line” projects that would directly contribute to their promotion to full professor. Eligible faculty are those who have been at the associate professor rank for more than 6 years. Individuals can request one course (in a single semester) buyout or funds for research/scholarly activities (e.g., supplies, student fellowship, travel). We encourage, whenever possible, for faculty to seek cost-share with their departments or other sources of funding.
Award Amount
Applicants can request up to $5,000 but funded amounts may be less. A one-course buyout is equivalent to $5,000. To fund as many projects as possible, we encourage applicants to request only the minimum amount needed.
Harpur College faculty who have held the rank of Associate Professor for more than 6 years and require support to complete a project that is critical to their promotion to Full Professor. Faculty can only receive this award once. Faculty must have a specific plan and schedule for their application to full professor within 2 years of the award.
A course buy-out proposal must be made for the following academic year and coordinated with the Department Chair. Funds for research/scholarly activities must be used within one year. Funds/course buyouts cannot be rolled over to future semesters. Applicants are asked to focus proposals on work that can be accomplished in the proposed time. At the conclusion of the award period, awardees must submit a report on their accomplishments and progress toward preparing and submitting their promotion materials. Failure to submit a report on time will prevent consideration for future funding.
Application Materials
Please submit the following materials through the Google Form linked at the top of this page. You must include a project title, a short abstract (limited to 1,000 characters and suitable for general audiences), and a project description (5,000 character limit). Your application should be written in a style that is accessible to reviewers outside your discipline and to a general audience. Required documentation includes a plan, a detailed budget, and an up-to-date CV (max 3 pages). Your chair will be required to authorize your application.
Use of Funds
Funds may be used for:
- One course (in a single semester) buy-out;
- Purchase of equipment, supplies, and materials;
- Costs associated with human or animal subjects;
- Travel costs to archives and research locations;
- Student support in the form of fellowships;
- Expenses incurred related to the publication of scholarly documents (e.g., books and monographs), the recording of performances, and the installation of exhibits;
Since these funds come from the BU Foundation, we are unable to fund hourly wages for student assistants or summer salaries. Student support in the form of fellowships, however, is allowable. All expenditures must be in compliance with Harpur College, BU Foundation, University, and SUNY regulations.
The Harpur College Internal Awards Committee evaluates proposals. Recommendations will be provided to the Dean of Harpur College who will make the final decisions. Given the wide variety of backgrounds held by reviewers, proposals should be written for a general audience. The committee will consider these factors in their evaluation:
- The proposal’s clarity and coherence in terms of preparation and planning;
- The significance of the project for progress towards promotion;
- The likelihood that you will be able to complete the proposed work during the award period and submit materials for promotion after the award is complete;
- Your overall record of scholarly accomplishments since tenure.
We expect to notify awardees by early December.
Contact Diane Horvath (dmhorv@binghamton.edu) or Carl Lipo (clipo@binghamton.edu).