Pass/Fail Policy

Harpur College Grade Option Change (Pass/Fail)

Students taking Harpur College courses are graded in one of two ways:

  • Standard letter grades of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D, F; or
  • Pass/Fail option using grades of P for Pass and F for Fail.

Students may elect to change a course's grading option from standard letter grade to Pass/Fail or vice versa) at any time up to the end of the course withdrawal period.

Students may apply up to 24 credits of "P" courses toward their 126 credits needed to graduate.

  • General Education: General Education courses must be taken for a letter grade (normal grading option) unless a course is only offered pass/fail.
  • Major or minor requirements: Courses used to fulfill major or minor requirements may not be taken pass/fail in most cases. Some departments have specified the number or type of courses that can be taken pass/fail and still count to fulfill major or minor requirements. Please consult the bulletin, your degree audit and the department to determine if a course can be taken pass/fail.
  • Harpur College Requirement (Writing or Upper Level): Courses used to fulfill Harpur College requirements, including the upper level requirement and the Harpur College writing requirement can be taken pass/fail.

Students will need to take at least one C or J course for a grade to complete the general education requirement.

If you have any questions about the spring 2020 pass/fail policy, please see below.