The Open Repository @Binghamton (ORB)

The ORB is Binghamton's institutional repository, creating open access to scholarly and creative works generated by our faculty, students, staff, and affiliates.

The Libraries' goals for the ORB include:

  • Capture, promote, and showcase Binghamton's research and scholarly output
  • Increase Binghamton University's visibility, status and public value by making local collections and scholarship more accessible globally
  • Support long-term preservation of and access to local collections and scholarship

The ORB provides global visibility to works, persistent URLs that will never change (cutting down on dead links), and content on the ORB is indexed by major search engines like Google. Our Readership Map below shows real-time stats of works downloaded throughout the day and overall counts of submissions and downloads.

When works are submitted to the ORB, the authors will have access to an author dashboard, showcasing similar stats to the Readership Map above but focused on your submissions specifically. The dashboard shares the number of visits to the work's URL, how your work was discovered, and location information for users who are downloading your work (including country and institution). Dashboards can be shared with others of your choosing.

Each work also has PlumX metrics attached and visible to anyone who discovers your page. PlumX metrics show how often works are viewed, downloaded and mentioned on social media platforms. 

The ORB can serve multiple functions for our campus community. Learn more in the sections below to see how the ORB offers value to you and your work.Share Your Work on the ORB

Sharing Your Scholarly Materials

Scholarly materials include published works, data sets, presentation materials, working papers and other supplementary materials attached to your research. When authors submit their published article, our ORB Administrator will review permissions associated with the publisher before the work is shared publicly. This way, we are sure we have rights to share the version of the work submitted. If additional information is needed. the ORB Administrator will follow up with the author who submits the work. We also have the ability to assign a DOI to works that are not previously assigned one by an outside source.

Examples of Scholarly Materials Added to the ORB

Publications: Submissions to the ORB are organized by department. Authors submit their work to the department their work best fits under through a template on the ORB homepage. 

Data Sets:  Supplementary research materials added by a faculty member in Psychology.

Working Papers: Citizenship, Rights and Cultural Belonging Transdisciplinary Area of Excellence (TAE) have a collection of working  papers. 

Open Educational Resources (OERs): A book written and shared by a faculty member. The main file is the preface to the book and each chapter is added as an additional file so users have the option to download the full book or just particular chapters of interest.

Presentation Materials: Student GIS posters presented at the campus’ annual GIS Day and a recording of the virtual Earth Day Panel session.

Electronic Theses, Dissertations (ETDs), and Capstone Projects: Students can archive and share their culminating academic work here, including capstone projects, undergraduate and master theses, and dissertations. Be sure to follow the proper submission process for adding your academic work to the ORB.

Sharing Your Creative Works

While the ORB has a vast collection of scholarly research, we also help our campus community share and preserve their creative works. The ORB platform, Digital Commons accepts multiple file types and media, leaving the creativity open to the creator. Check out some of the current collections on the ORB:

Here is a photo exhibit put together by a faculty member in the Human Development department. This collection is written in both Spanish and English.

Broadcasting World Literature was originally a student-led radio show broadcast on our campus radio station, WHRW, and now a podcast archive. The episodes are streamed on the ORB and are also available for download.

A Math professor creates mathematical sculptures and exhibits them on his personal website and the ORB.

Publishing Journals

The ORB can be a space for hosting journals and have their own section on the ORB. Current editorial support services include design creation for the journal homepage, a submission management system for editors and reviewers and supplemental support services such as registering ISSN numbers and creating DOIs for articles and supplemental material. More information is available on the Open Access Journal Publishing page.

Ready to Share your Work on the ORB?

Contact our ORB Administrator, or follow the link below.

Share Your WOrk on the orb