Course Reserves Information For Students

Log in to Library Course Reserves

Finding Course Reserves

How to check if a book for my class is on reserve

Using the Course Reserves tool: Log in to view a list of your courses and any physical or electronic materials on reserve. The Course Reserves tool is linked in your Brightspace course under Course Tools. Keep in mind:

  • Not all materials will be available on the first day of the semester. Processing reserves can take a couple of weeks.
  • If an item isn’t listed, check back later, ask your instructor, or seek assistance from library staff.
  • The library may own items not linked in the Course Reserves Tool; try searching the catalog by title or author.

Using the Library catalog

  • Search by title/author: This provides the broadest results, including books the library owns that may not be on reserve. Please note, if you check out a book from the stacks that is needed for a class, it may be recalled.
  • Search by course number: Enter the course number correctly with no spaces (e.g., GEOG212, not GEOG 212).
  • Search by instructor or course name: Use the course reserves filter in the dropdown menu to refine results.

Are all textbooks on reserve?
No. Textbooks are placed on reserve at the request of an instructor. Your instructor is not required to use Course Reserves. You can check the library catalog to see if we own something.

A book I need for a class is not available. What can I do?

If a required book is not on reserve or in the Libraries catalog, you have a few options:

  • Ask your instructor to place it on reserve. They can lend a personal copy, use a library-owned copy (if available), or request that the library purchase the book.
  • Submit a Libraries Purchase Request. While a request does not guarantee a purchase, we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

Accessing Electronic Reserves 

E-reserves, like ebooks, articles, and chapter PDFs, are linked to your course in Brightspace. You can access e-reserves through your Brightspace course by clicking Course Tools, then Library Course Reserves. Or use the Library Course Reserves tool link.

Why can't I access some of the items listed under the Library Course Reserves tool electronically?
The list of items in the Library Course Reserves tool includes both electronic reserves and physical reserves. If there is not an option to "view this item," then the item is on physical reserve at either the Bartle or UDC Reader Services desks.

There are other reading materials posted to myCourses that are not in the Library Course Reserves tool. How do I get help with these?
Library staff only post readings to myCourses via the Library Courses Reserves tool. For issues with materials in another content area of myCourses, reach out to your instructor for help.

Borrowing Physical Reserves

How do I borrow reserves?
Reserve materials may be checked out at the Reader Services desks at Bartle Library or the University Downtown Center Library. Reserves for classes taught at the UDC are kept at the UDC Library. All others are at Bartle Library. It’s helpful to know the title and author's last name when requesting a reserves item at the desk.

Do I need an ID card to borrow reserves?
Yes. Bring your Binghamton University ID card.

Is there a limit to how many reserves I can borrow?
Up to three reserve items may be checked out at once. There is no limit to the number of times you can check out an item. However, you may be required to wait between renewals if other students have requested the materials.

How long can I keep reserves?
Generally, reserve materials may be borrowed for 3 hours. To renew the material after three hours, bring the item to the Reader Services desk and ask to check it out again. Short loan periods are meant to give everyone in the class a chance to access the materials.

Can I "reserve" a reserve item in advance?
No. But you can make scans of needed pages in advance by using one of our Bookeye Scanners.

Can I return a reserve item to any library or book return?
No. Reserve items must be returned to the same desk where they were borrowed.

How do I return a reserve book when the Libraries are closed?
After the library is closed, you may return reserves to the blue book bin outside Bartle Library's main entrance. The UDC does not have an after-hours return bin. Reserve items checked out here must be returned when the UDC library is open.

What happens if I return or renew an item late?
You will be charged a fine of $0.05 per minute if a reserve item is returned late.

A book I checked out was recalled for Reserves.

If a book you borrowed is needed for course reserves, you will receive an email notification with a new, shortened due date. Please return the book as soon as possible so it can be available for the class.

Once on reserve, the book can be checked out for 3 hours at a time from the desk. You can also scan the pages you need using one of our Bookeye Scanners.