Music Faculty Listed by Category
Composition & TheoryConducting & EnsemblesMusicology & EthnomusicologyVoice & OperaInstrumental PerformanceCOLLABORATIvE PIANISTSADMINISTRATIVE STAFF
- Chris Bartlette, Associate Professor of Music Theory
- James Budinich, Lecturer in Composition and Music Creation Technologies
- Hippocrates Cheng, Assistant Professor of Music Theory
- Daniel Thomas Davis, Associate Professor of Composition
- Laurence Elder, Instructor of Musicianship
- James M Salinas Burns, Associate Professor, Director of Nukporfe African Drumming Ensemble
- Megan Burrell, Director of Treble Chorus
- William Culverhouse, Associate Professor, Director of Choral Ensembles
- Laurence Elder, Director of Studio Jazz Band
- Greg Evans, Assistant Professor, Director of Harpur Jazz Ensemble
- Jennifer L. R. Greene, Director of Wind Symphony
- Jingqi Zhu, Assistant Professor, Director of University Orchestra
- James M Salinas Burns, Associate Professor of Ethnomusicology
- Sarah Gerk, Associate Professor of Musicology
- Phoebe E. Hughes, Lecturer in Musicology
- Paul Schleuse, Associate Professor of Musicology
- Jean Miller Goodheart, Instructor of Lyric Diction
- Thomas Goodheart, Associate Professor of Voice
- Brenda Iglesias, Assistant Professor of Voice
- John Isenberg, Vocal Coach
- Noby Ishida, Vocal Coach
- William Lawson, Instructor & Vocal Coach
- Mikayla Rogers, Vocal Coach
- David Carl Toulson, Director of Opera Workshop
- Tyler Tucker, Lecturer in Vocal Coaching and Teaching
- Ilze Brink-Button, Instructor of Horn
- Roberta Crawford, Instructor of Viola
- Laurence Elder, Instructor of Jazz Piano
- Tony Godoy, Instructor of Trumpet
- Daniel Hane, Instructor of Bassoon
- David Irvin, Instructor of Double Bass
- Noby Ishida, Instructor of Collaborative Piano
- Kathy Karlsen, Instructor of Oboe
- Richard MacDowell, Instructor of Clarinet
- Dan Miller, Instructor of Saxophone
- Noemi Miloradovic, Instructor of Violin
- Michael Salmirs, Instructor of Piano
- Joel Smales, Instructor of Percussion
- Jeanne Sperber, Instructor of Flute
- Paul Sweeny, Instructor of Classical Guitar
- Zachary Sweet, Instructor of Cello
- Jim Wilding, Instructor of Jazz Guitar
- Andrew Williams, Instructor of Trombone, Tuba, & Euphonium
- Christine Capani, Choral Collaborative Pianist
- Noby Ishida, Instructor of Collaborative Piano
- Cathy Murphy, Choral Collaborative Pianist
- Pej Reitz, Instrumental Collaborative Pianist
- Paul Schleuse, Department Chair
- Chris Bartlette, Graduate Director
- Sarah Gerk, Undergraduate Director
- Michael Slilaty, Assistant to the Chair
- Montessa Warner, Administrative Assistant
- Robert Manners, Concert Manager
- Yung-Huei Lin, Office Assistant
- Lance Hill, Piano Technician