July 18, 2024
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Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, fall 2020

The onset of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) drastically impacted the operations of all institutions within higher education. Likewise, the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Binghamton University experienced significant changes to the degree to which we could provide services to the University community in the spring 2020 semester. This report details the work the division has done since we concluded the spring 2020 semester, revamped work schedules and office plans, and increased access to technology to prepare for campus reopening in August 2020. During this period, we continued to meet all federal, state and institutional requirements continuing to meet our assessment measures consistently from a virtual platform. This report details the accomplishments of DEI administration, the UDiversity Educational Institute, the Multicultural Resource Center and Q Center. All reported activities, partnerships and initiatives support the University’s Strategic Priority 3 (Road Map to Premier Strategic Plan), Inclusive Campus and Engagement. The goals for each office are outlined explicitly in the WEAVE assessment system managed by the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment.

DEI Recruitment

Following the closing of the spring 2020 semester due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the institution adopted a hiring freeze in late May, to begin immediately. Those effects were felt this quarter as massive closures of University searches occurred. The following search committee activity is the lowest since DEI has been in existence.

  • 22 total searches for the state payroll were conducted during this quarter; 13 closed successfully
  • 18 total searches were processed for the Research Foundation

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