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Re-aiming the Road Map

Work to re-aim Binghamton University's Road Map to Premier strategic plan are underway

Internationalization, as demonstrated by the flags flown each year during Commencement, is critical to Binghamton University's success. Internationalization, as demonstrated by the flags flown each year during Commencement, is critical to Binghamton University's success.
Internationalization, as demonstrated by the flags flown each year during Commencement, is critical to Binghamton University's success.

Binghamton University’s Road Map to Premier strategic planning process has continued to evolve since it was originally launched in 2013, with a renewal in 2017, and now, a re-aiming process is underway. Nearly 70 people from all areas of campus are serving on the Road Map Steering Committee, and strategic priority teams have also been meeting regularly to revise goals and metrics to help direct current and future plans.

The recent establishment of Strategic Priority 6 – Internationalization, once part of Strategic Priority 4 – Engagement, has brought a new focus to the critical role that international students, partnerships and relationships play in the success of the University. SP6 will strive to capture what is already being done well at Binghamton to engage international students; promote meaningful interactions between domestic and international students; prepare international students for successful career pathways; work to have a positive impact on the global community; provide opportunities to students, faculty and staff to develop a broader understanding of the world; and brand the University as a premier choice for international students.

The six strategic priorities are:

  • SP1 – Creative Activities
  • SP2 – Learning Community
  • SP3 – Inclusive Campus
  • SP4 – Engagement
  • SP5 – Strategic Investments
  • SP6—Internationalization

This quarter, all strategic priority teams were asked to submit one proposal for funding that would advance their goals. Each SP presented its proposal at the March 25 Steering Committee meeting. The proposals have been reviewed and approved for funding as follows:

The proposals are:

  • SP1 – Create a program focused on developing or improving the professional profiles of faculty members across the disciplines in order to enhance the academic reputation of Binghamton University as a Carnegie R1 institution. Approved for $120,000 funding per year for two years.
  • SP2 – An immediate intervention and extended student success initiative, and another to build a transformative learning community through high-engagement experiences. Approved for $250,000 per year for two years.
  • SP3 – Work, live and thrive: A virtual tour of the Binghamton University experience. Approved for $175,000.
  • SP4 – Enhance faculty community engagement. Approved for $115,00 per year for two years.
  • SP5 – Invest in two specific areas within the Division of Advancement and Binghamton University Foundation that will greatly impact the ability to secure more philanthropic support: one in planned giving and another in data analytics. Approved for $125,000 per year for two years.

Given its recent launch, SP6 was not asked to submit any proposals, but SP6 initiatives will receive $1 million in funding from the Binghamton University Foundation.

Additional information about the Road Map and its strategies priorities are available on the Road Map website.

Posted in: Campus News