July 2, 2024
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Fleishman Center initiatives

The Fleishman Center offers both in person and virtual Job and Internship Fairs

This spring, the Fleishman Center piloted a hybrid Job and Internship Fair approach by offering two fairs in person and one virtually. In-person events were not an option for the last two years due to COVID, so employers, students and staff were excited to be able to once again return to in-person fairs this semester. The fairs were hosted in the Mandela Room and important protocols were taken to ensure compliance with COVID safety guidelines, including limiting employer registrations and requiring that all participants wear a mask. Over 250 students attended the in-person Job and Internship Fair to meet with employers recruiting students for jobs and internships in all industries. Additionally, the Fleishman Center offered an in-person STEM fair to connect students with opportunities in science, technology, engineering and math, which was attended by 356 students. Attending these fairs allowed students an opportunity to explore employers they had not originally considered and make face-to-face first impressions with company representatives.

After receiving feedback that both students and employers also like the virtual fair format, the Fleishman Center decided to offer a virtual option. This format allowed students to schedule individual 10-minute meetings with company representatives, attend any of the 245 group information sessions offered to learn more about different organizations and pre-schedule their day so they did not need to wait in lines. A total of 301 students attended and 689 individual meetings took place between students and recruiters to establish a connection and discuss job and internship opportunities. More than 80 employers registered for the virtual fair, which is a reflection of how recruiting and hiring trends are shifting to hybrid formats. Offering a hybrid approach to job and internship fairs allows the Fleishman Center to stay ahead of the curve and offer top companies flexibility in how they meet and recruit Binghamton students.

Across all three fairs, there were 906 total student attendees and 749 unique student attendees. This is an increase from spring 2021 and indicates that student attendance at programs and events is climbing back to pre-COVID numbers.

Dan Black ‘94 shows students the power of networking

As part of the return to in-person events this spring, the Fleishman Center welcomed Dan Black ‘94, global recruiting leader at EY, back to campus to share his networking advice with students. As a recruiting leader with 23 years of experience, Black is a master networker who has connected with countless professionals across the globe and introduced them to their next opportunity. He is an established industry resource with a wealth of experience and knowledge that he generously shared with students during his event, “The Power of Networking with Dan Black ‘94.” Approximately 60 students attended to learn more about how to network effectively and stand out to recruiters. This event was intentionally scheduled the week before the Spring Job and Internship Fairs to provide students with tips on how to make the best impressions as they network with professionals for job and internship opportunities. About 80% of job seekers find their next position through their network, so workshops and events that educate students on how to build a strong professional network provide them with key skills to help them succeed in their job searches.

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