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Multicultural Resource Center, winter 2022

Award winning initiative

In November, the Men of Color Summit 2022 received the Teresa D. Drummond Memorial Award from the Association of College Unions International for executing an outstanding multicultural program, event or activity promoting cross-cultural communication and acceptance.


During this quarter, the Multicultural Resource Center (MRC) focused on strengthening partnerships with new and returning groups. The MRC partnered with the Healthy Campus Initiative to host a discussion during Family Weekend with guest speaker Julie Lytchott-Haims, held Oct. 1. The MRC also supported the Alumni Engagement Office during Homecoming on Oct. 8 by hosting a DEI showcase tent with the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. The purpose of the showcase was to facilitate alumni participation in programming, sponsorship and divisional initiatives. The MRC worked with the University Police Department and the Youth and Police Initiative (YPI) for the second year in their Train-the-Trainer program in collaboration with Binghamton and Johnson City School districts. This program helps facilitate challenging conversations between middle/high school students and police officers with the goal of improving the outcome of these interactions. The YPI program took place from Oct. 3–7.

In addition to these departments, the MRC developed new partnerships with several campus partners and community members:

The MRC was a partner in the annual LOCO Festival, held Oct. 10–13, for the second year. The festival provided opportunities for the MRC to work with several departments for the first time post-COVID, such as the Translation Research and Instruction Program (TRIP), Binghamton University Libraries, Office of International Education and Global Initiatives (IEGI) and International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS).

The MRC co-hosted an open house Oct. 19 with Latin American and Caribbean Area Studies (LACAS), highlighting the past, present and future of the LACAS department during Latin Heritage Month.

The MRC worked closely with the Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) on a few programs this quarter, co-facilitating a workshop on intercultural communication for ELP students Oct. 11, and assisting with a multicultural fair hosted at Vestal Hills Elementary School Nov. 8.

Professional development for graduate assistants

This semester, the MRC began a new initiative to provide our graduate students with the opportunity to build their support network with professionals from historically underrepresented populations. The MRC invited several professionals to visit staff meetings and share their experiences transitioning from graduate school to professional work. There are seven confirmed guest speakers between the fall and spring semesters, with backgrounds in higher education ranging from advising, to teaching, career services, DEI, and health and wellness.

Cultural President’s Council updates

This quarter, the MRC facilitated new workshops during the monthly Cultural President’s Council (CPC) meetings that encouraged student leadership development. The workshops came from student leaders of the cultural community reporting a need for increased development of e-board transitioning into new roles. In the first workshop, the MRC facilitated a workshop on agenda building, program development and fundraising for events. This workshop was designed to assist with the organization of meetings and how to effectively plan events. In the second workshop, the MRC facilitated a workshop on grant writing, using the MRC Microgrant to help improve student organizations’ grant-writing abilities. The MRC plans to continue monthly professional/leadership development workshops within CPC meetings.

Mentoring programs

The MRC resumed the B-College Bound and New Student of Color mentoring programs this quarter. The B-College Bound mixer took place Oct. 28, and the New Student of Color mentoring program hosted two mixers, one Oct. 27 and another Dec. 1, in the MRC Lounge. The MRC continues to invite campus partners to table during New Student of Color Mixers to promote their services to attendees. This quarter, the Center for Civic Engagement (CCE), the Graduate School and the CARE Team tabled.

Additional resources, information and outreach

This quarter, the MRC continued to create ways to bring more resources to students in the MRC while engaging new partners to increase outreach to a larger audience. The MRC offered two initiatives with the University Counseling Center (UCC). In addition to Let’s Talk, the MRC added Sister’s Circle — a group designed to bring together women to build a support network. Let’s Talk and Sister’s Circle take place on Tuesday afternoons. The Fleishman Center has launched office hours on Tuesday mornings, alternating between professional and student staff representatives from the center.

The MRC hosted three UNIV 101-course presentations and an informational session for 20:1. The MRC increased class visits to help reach a larger audience. Courses included introductory chemistry, human development and an education minor class.


The MRC remained active on the Homecoming planning and two search committees: the Fleishman Center executive director search and the Student Success academic success search.

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