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Binghamton University’s graduate nursing programs ranked in the top 100 in the nation

Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences Master of Science in Nursing programs are #89 in U.S. News & World Report ranking.

Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences is located on Binghamton University's Health Sciences Campus in Johnson City, N.Y. Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences is located on Binghamton University's Health Sciences Campus in Johnson City, N.Y.
Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences is located on Binghamton University's Health Sciences Campus in Johnson City, N.Y. Image Credit: Jonathan Cohen.

Binghamton University’s Master of Science in Nursing programs have ranked among the best in the nation.

Housed in the University’s Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences, the program made the top 100 in U.S. News & World Report’s 2023-24 best graduate schools rankings, released April 25.

“We are gratified and proud to be ranked in the top 100 of master’s-level nursing programs in the U.S.,” said Mario R. Ortiz, dean of Decker College. “We are especially proud that many of our graduates have become advanced practice nurses through our family, adult/gerontology, community health and family psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner tracks. We are even prouder that many of our alumni choose to practice in rural areas, in keeping with Decker’s mission to focus on those in rural and vulnerable populations.”

Binghamton University ranked number 89 for its master’s programs, moving up 11 spots from last year’s ranking of 100. A full list of the University’s U.S. News & World Report graduate program rankings can be found online.

Posted in: Campus News, Decker