Benefits (Health Insurance, Dental, Vision, Tuition Assistance, etc.)
- Address Change
- CSEA Dental Claim For CSEA represented staff to submit dental expenses to the union's employee benefit fund
- CSEA Full-Time Student Verification To verify that a dependent child age 19 or over is a full-time student for dental and vision benefits provided by the CSEA Benefit Fund
- CSEA Prescription Co-Pay Reimbursement Drug Claim form for CSEA benefits fund covered prescription drug co-pay expenses
- Davis Vision Student Verification Form To verify that a dependent child age 19 or over is a full-time student for dental and vision benefits provided by UUP, MC, PBA-NYS, NYSCOPBA and PEF dental benefits.
- Dependent Care Advantage Account Reimbursement (Flexible Spending) To request reimbursement for dependent care related expenses from your existing flexible spending account. Daycare or elder care expenses for example.
- Domestic Partner Application for Benefits (PS-425) Affidavit of domestic partnership and financial interdependence. For employees in the following bargaining units: CSEA, UUP, PEF, GSEU, PBA, M/C, NYSCOPBA.
- Domestic Partner Dependent Tax Affidavit Change Form
- Domestic Partner Termination of Partnership (PS-425.4) To request a termination of a domestic partnership.
- Empire Plan Non-Participating Claim To request reimbursement for expenses from a non-participating health care provider.
- Empire Plan Pharmacy Reimbursement Claim To request reimbursement for prescription drug expenses when paid out of pocket.
- Empire Plan Pharmacy Mail Order Form To request mail order of prescription drugs.
- EyeMed Full-Time Student Verification To confirm full-time student status for dependents age 19-24 when using the EyeMed vision plan. For M/C, PEF, Council 82 and NYSCOPBA only.
- GA/TA Employment & Benefits Checklist For new, returning or rehired graduate and teaching assistants.
- GHI Dental Claim To request reimbursement for dental claims. For GSEU, M/C, PEF, Council 82 and NYSCOPBA only.
- GHI/Emblem Full-Time Student Verification To confirm full-time student status for dependents age 19-24. M/C, PEF, Council 82 and NYSCOPBA only.
- GSEU Health Insurance Transaction Form (PS-404G) For Graduate Student Employee Union health plan enrollment or changes.
- GSEU Health Insurance Summer Continuation Notice GSEU Health Insurance Summer Continuation Notice.
- Health Care Spending Account Reimbursement (Flexible Spending) To request reimbursement for health care related expenses from your existing flexible spending account.
- Health Insurance Transaction Form (PS-404) Health insurance enrollment and changes for faculty and staff.
- Health Insurance Opt Out Attestation (PS-409) Form to opt out of health insurance coverage.
- State University Tuition Waiver Program Application and Instructions Request reimbursement for all or part of an employee's tuition cost.
- UUP Benefit Fund Address Change For employees represented by UUP.
- UUP Benefit Trust Fund Enrollment Dental and vision enrollment for United University Professions (UUP) represented employees.
- UUP Benefit Trust Fund Marital Status or Dependent Change To notify UUP Benefit Trust Fund of marital status or dependent changes for dental and vision benefits.
- UUP Delta Dental Claim For UUP represented faculty/staff to submit dental claims.
- UUP Group Life Beneficiary Designation For all faculty/staff represented by UUP; First UNUM Life Insurance Co.
- UUP and MC Unclassified Long Term Disability Application For MC unclassified and UUP professionals.
- Alternate Work Options See attached policy
- Email Information for New Faculty/Staff Information on how to access your new email address at Binghamton University.
- Employee Data Form (for Departmental use) Personal and demographic information; required for all new hires and changes in status. (.pdf)
- I-9 for Employment Authorization document that each new employee (both citizen and non-citizen) hired after November 6, 1986 is authorized to work in the United States.
- State Employees Lieu of Oath Certifies that a State employee has read and understands the NYS Public Officer's Law. Required for all new faculty/staff and graduate/teaching assistants and those changing official budget titles.
- PA-81 Internal Application for Promotion For classified service, non-competitive, labor class promotion. Employee's status must be permanent or contingent permanent.
- Phased Retirement Request For UUP and Management Confidential staff requesting to work less than full-time as near retirement.
- Prior Service Credit Request for Faculty Prior service request form for faculty hired in a tenure track position.
- Professional Employee Promotion/Reclassification/Salary Increase Request For non-teaching, UUP represented, professional staff. Requests accepted during appropriate window.
- Faculty/Staff Handbook Receipt Acknowledgment of receipt of the Faculty and Staff Handbook information.
Hiring and Recruitment
- ADA Cover Memo Americans with Disabilities Act Memo.
- ADA Position Analysis Americans with Disabilities Act position analysis.
- ADA Position Description Americans with Disabilities Act position description.
- Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Hiring Guides and Resources For search committee use. Submit to Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion for approval.
- Binghamton University Education History Addendum Attach as needed to the employment application form.
- Binghamton University Employment Application Application for employment.
- Binghamton University Employment History Addendum Attach as needed to the employment application form.
- Professional Vacancy Worksheet To assist Human Resources with the posting of a professional vacancy. Professional Vacancy Worksheet
- Recruitment Links For a list of various sources to advertise with for a position you are hiring for.
- Verification of Candidate Credentials For professional vacancy search committee use.
- Search Process for International Candidates Requiring Permanent Residency
- Statement of Recruitment Efforts
HR Masters and Coordinators
- 2024-2025 Student Assistant & Federal College Work Study HR Payroll Processing Deadlines. Deadlines for HR payroll & transaction processing for the Student Assistant and Federal College Work Study payrolls.
- 2024-2025 Faculty/Staff and GATA Deadlines Deadlines for HR transaction processing for Faculty, Staff and GA/TA payrolls.
- 2024-2025 Student Paycheck Dates Payroll calendar for Student Assistant & FCWS.
- 2024-2025 Payroll Deadlines for Timesheets Coded UUP, HRY, CLS-HRYA & CLS-HRY Payroll calendar for Timesheets Coded UUP-HRY, CLS-HRYA & CLS-HRY.
- 2025-2026 Obligation & Payroll Appointment Dates Document outlining obligation and appointment dates for all payrolls
- 2024-2025 Obligation & Payroll Appointment Dates Document outlining obligation and appointment dates for all payrolls
- Agreement to Protect Confidential Information Agreement to protect confidential information.
- Appointing to Faculty Titles Instructions on how to appoint to faculty titles.
- Dual Employment Form (AC-1588) Form to be completed by employees working for multiple state agencies.
- Petition for GA/TA Dual Employment Form Form to be completed by GA/TA employees to take on additional work.
- Extra Service checklist Checklist of forms to be completed to process extra service.
- Extra Service Payroll Voucher (AC-873) Time record to be completed for Dual Employment Extra Service.
- Extra Service Policy Extra service policy.
- Extra Service Request Form Form to be completed by departments paying for on campus extra service for state employees.
- UP-8 For UUP employees to request approval for extra service at another state agency.
- UP-6 For Management Confidential employees to request approval for extra service at another state agency.
- HR Forms "Which Form Do I Use" Instructions for which HR Form to use.
- Organization Request Form Request form for creating/updating organizations.
- Position Request Form for State Payrolls Position request form for all payrolls.
Immigration Services
- Extend H-1B Questionnaire for department Questionnaire for extension of H-1B for department completion.
- Extend H-1B Questionnaire for employee Questionnaire for extension of H-1B for employee completion.
- Immigration Process for department Flow chart of immigration process for departments.
- Initial H-1B Questionnaire for department Questionnaire for initial H-1B for department completion.
- Initial H-1B Questionnaire for employee Questionnaire for initial H-1B for employee completion.
- 2024 International Tax Witholding 2024 tax withholding guide for International Students and Scholars.
- Visa Options Common visa categories used to hire international employees.
- Confidential Medical Statement To be completed by a health care provider.
- Confidential Medical Statement (Work Related Injury) To be completed by a health care provider for a work-related injury.
- Confidential Medical Statement (CSEA only) To be completed by a health care provider for non work-related injuries (CSEA only).
- Confidential Medical Statement (Cancer Screening) To be completed by a health care provider.
- FMLA - Employee's Serious Health Condition Family and Medical Leave Act request form.
- FMLA - Family Member's Serious Health Condition Family and Medical Leave Act request form.
- FMLA - FMLA Illness of Covered Service Member for Military Family Leave Family and Medical Leave Act request form.
- FMLA - FMLA Qualifying Exigency for Military Family Leave Family and Medical Leave Act request form.
- Leave Donation (for all bargaining units) To donate vacation leave to cover an "eligible" employee's sick leave.
- Paid Family Leave Application To request Paid Family Leave to bond with a newborn, a newly adopted or fostered child
- Paid Family Leave Application To request Paid Family Leave to Care for a family member with a serious health condition
- Paid Family Leave Application To request Paid Family Leave to assist when a family member is called to active military duty or impending active duty abroad
- Tenure Clock Stop Request Form Request form to stop tenure clock.
- Title F Leave Request for Faculty See Faculty/Staff handbook section IV.B.2. Leave of Absence (Title F Leave).
- Title F Leave Request for Professionals For UUP represented professional staff.
- Child Protection Processing Guidelines Child Protection Processing Guidelines.
- Volunteer Information Collection Form and Agreement Volunteer Information Collection Form and Agreement.
- HR Data Report Request Online HR data report request for campus use of Binghamton University HR Coordinators and HR Masters only.
- Workplace Violence Policy Workplace violence policy.
Offer Letter Templates
2025-2026 Letters
- 2025-2026 GSEU Offer Letter - Clark Fellowship 1st Year
- 2025-2026 GSEU Offer Letter - Clark Fellowship 2nd - 5th years
- 2025-2026 GSEU Offer Letter - Stipend & Tuition
- 2025-2026 GSEU Offer Letter - Stipend Only
- 2025-2026 GSEU Offer Letter - Tuition Only
2024-2025 Letters
- Direct Deposit (AC-2722) For new, changes or deletions of direct deposit of your payroll into your bank account(s).
- Direct Deposit Reactivate To reactive an existing direct deposit which may have lapsed. May NOT be used to start a new direct deposit allocation. Direct Deposit Reactivate
- Federal Tax Form W-4 To withhold the correct federal income tax from your pay. Consider completing a new Form W-4 each year and when your personal or financial situation changes.
- Honoraria Payment FAQ's Frequently asked questions regarding honoraria payments.
- Honoraria Payment Policy Policy regarding honoraria payments to faculty and professional staff.
- New York State Certificate of Nonresidence and Allocation of Withholding Tax (IT-2104.1) New York State, City of New York, and City of Yonkers Certificate of Nonresidence and Allocation of Withholding Tax.
- New York State Tax Certificate of Exemption (IT-2104-E) To claim exemption from withholding for New York State personal income tax (and New York City and Yonkers personal income tax, if applicable).
- New York State Tax Form (IT-2104) To withhold the correct New York State income tax from your pay. Consider completing a new Form W-4 each year and when your personal or financial situation changes.
- SUNY Charitable Giving Campaign Payroll Deduction You can give to the State University of New York campus of your choice through the SUNY Charitable Giving Campaign.
- Treasury Direct Deposit Form Treasury Direct Deposit Form ONLY.
- NYS Payroll Online Instructions Instructions on how to navigate the NYS Payroll Online system
- Unclaimed Check Policy Unclaimed check policy.
- W2 Reissue Request Form to request a W-2.
Performance Management
- Alternate Work Location Assignment Request Form Request form for an Alternative Work Location Assignment
- Classified Service Performance Program/Evaluation Performance program and evaluations for all classified service staff Classified Service Performance Program/Evaluation
- Online Professional Employee Performance Program For non-teaching, UUP represented professional staff
- Professional Employee Self-Evaluation For non-teaching, UUP represented professional staff.
- Performance Program Addendum For non-teaching, UUP represented professional staff. Used to add something to the performance program that is already in place.
- PEF Performance Program and Evaluation Performance Program and Evaluation document for PEF represented employees.
Retiree Services (Forms for Retired Employees)
- Binghamton University Service Preference Checklist for Binghamton University retirees
- Retire Contact Information Form Contact information form for Binghamton University retirees'
- Retiree Survey Survey for Binghamton University retirees'
- Retiree Volunteer Form Form for Binghamton University retiree volunteers
Retirement (Forms for Current Employees)
- ERS Address Change (RS-5512) Change of address form for active Employees' Retirement System members only (not retirees).
- ERS Loan Application Tiers 1 & 2 (RS-5025) For Tier 1 and Tier 2 Employees' Retirement System members to request a loan.
- ERS Loan Application Tiers 3 & 4 (RS-5025-A) For Tier 3 and Tier 4 Employees' Retirement System members to request a loan.
- ERS Membership Application NYS Employees Retirement System enrollment form.
- ERS Beneficiary Designation Form NYS Employees Retirement System Beneficiary Form.
- ERS Name Change (RS-5483-I) To notify the Employees' Retirement System of a legal name change.
- Choosing an Effective Date Guide Guide to assist you with choosing the effective date for online change requests to 403(b) contributions via Retirement at Work.
- SUNY Optional Retirement Program (ORP) Enrollment Guide to assist eligible employees with requesting to join the SUNY ORP retirement plan via Retirement at Work.
- NYS Employees Retirement System (ERS), Police & Fire Retirement System (PAFRS) and Teachers Retirement System (TRS) Enrollment Guide to assist employees with requesting to join ERS, PAFRS or (if eligible) TRS via Retirement at Work.
- Voluntary Savings Plan 403(b) Enrollment Guide to assist you with establishing a new SUNY 403(b) voluntary savings plan
- Making Changes to Your 403(b) Voluntary Savings Guide to make contribution changes to an existing SUNY 403(b) account.
- Retirement System Option for Student Employees Form to acknowledge retirement system options for student employees.
- SUNY Voluntary Savings Plans Comparison Plan comparison of the Voluntary Savings Plan (403b) vs. NYS Deferred Compensation Plan (457).
- Police & Fire Retirement System Membership Application NYS University Police Retirement System enrollment form.
- TRS Beneficiary Designation (NET-11.4) Designation of beneficiary for active Teachers' Retirement System members only (not retirees).
- TRS Loan Application (LON-26) For Teachers' Retirement System members to request a loan.
- TRS Membership Application Teachers' Retirement System membership registration form.
- TRS Member Name/Address Change To notify the Teachers' Retirement System of a legal name/address change.
Time and Attendance
- Accruals by Bargaining Unit Accrual rates for vacation/annual, sick and personal leave accruals.
- Classified Annual Time Sheet (CLS-ANN) For classified service staff with an annual pay basis.
- Classified Hourly with Attendance Rules Time Sheet (CLS-HRYA) For classified service staff with an hourly pay basis and attendance rules coverage.
- Classified Hourly without Attendance Rules Time Sheet (CLS-HRY) For classified service staff with an hourly pay basis and NO attendance rules coverage.
- Faculty Time & Attendance Log-in to SUNY.edu for Time & Attendance for all Faculty.
- Federal College Work Study (28023) Time Sheet Log-in to SUNY.edu for Time & Attendance for all federal college work-study employees.
- Graduate and Teaching Assistant Time Sheet Time Sheet for graduate and teaching assistants on the 28029 payroll only.
- Management Confidential (M/C) Time & Attendance Log-in to SUNY.edu for Time & Attendance for all Management/Confidential staff.
- Professional Annual and College Year Staff Time & Attendance Log-in to SUNY.edu for Time & Attendance for UUP represented professional staff with an Annual or College Year obligation.
- Professional Non-Exempt Time & Attendance Time Record for Professional Non-Exempt employees.
- Professional Hourly Staff Time Sheet (UUP-HRY) For UUP represented professional staff with an hourly pay basis.
- Student Assistant (28021) Time Sheet Log-in to SUNY.edu for Time & Attendance for all student assistant employees.
Workers Compensation, Accidents, Accommodations
- Accident or Injury Reporting (Part 1 and CS-13) To report an accident or injury on campus property/work-related.
- Workers Compensation reporting procedure A document outlining the necessary steps for reporting an accident at work.
- Confidential Medical Statement for Work-Related Disability A document to report a work related disability.
- Estimated Capabilities Form A document to report estimated capabilities.
- Reasonable Accommodation Information on Reasonable Accommodation.
- Reasonable Accommodation Form Request for Reasonable Accommodation.
- Benefits (Health Insurance, Dental, Vision, Tuition Assistance, etc.)
- Employment
- Hiring and Recruitment
- HR Masters and Coordinators
- Immigration Services
- Leaves
- Miscellaneous
- Offer Letter Templates
- Payroll
- Performance Management
- Retiree Services (Forms for Retired Employees)
- Retirement (Forms for Current Employees)
- Time and Attendance
- Workers Compensation, Accidents, Accommodations