Policy Title | Banners and Signs |
Responsible Office | Division of Communications and Marketing |
Policy Type | Facilities and Property |
Policy Number | 411 |
Last Revision Date | 11/22/2024 |
Banners on the University Union are reserved for University-wide marketing messages targeted toward prospective students and their families. Banners are allowed on the top level of the parking structure and on Bartle Drive. The only banners allowed on Bartle Drive will be large banners that cross the road and the smaller ones on the poles that promote the University's institutional messages. All banners must be coordinated and approved by the Division of University Communications and Marketing. Requests for Bartle Drive and parking structure banners must be made online at https://www.binghamton.edu/communications-and-marketing/request-project/banner-request.html.
The large banners on the University Union, parking structure and Bartle Drive are for promoting high-priority institutional events and events with a strong campus-community connection.
Requests from sponsoring organizations/departments for general exterior signage related to advertising or information about special events on campus must be submitted to the Division of University Communications and Marketing for approval as well as verification that it is an authorized event. The University Police Department and/or Parking Services will determine the appropriate type and location of directional signage.
If needed, signs will be created by University personnel. The installation and removal of any signs will be done by campus personnel.
A charge may be levied to the organization/department sponsoring the event for signage creation, installation or removal.
Date | Description | Responsible Party |
11/22/2024 | Policy reviewed; no changes | Division of Communications and Marketing |