Whitni Redman
Assistant Research Professor, First-Year Research Immersion (FRI)
I was born and raised in the small agricultural town of Holyoke, CO. I always had big dreams to help people through science which I knew was only possible through education. I began my educational career at McCook Community College followed by transferring to Peru State College. Throughout my undergraduate career, I was on an athletic scholarship (volleyball), worked for admissions as an ambassador, and served as a resident assistant to help cover the cost of my education. I often times felt a bit lost with the fear of missing deadlines and not having a straightforward path to my dreams. I spent my free time shadowing at hospitals and researching graduate programs and careers. With guidance from a faculty member, I pursued my PhD at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center followed by a postdoc at Binghamton University. This year, I transitioned into a faculty position that allows me to be a guiding figure as my students navigate their own career goals. Now in my free time, I play competitive volleyball, travel with my fiance, host board game nights, and have fun with our dogs!
Contact Info: wredman@binghamton.edu