President's Report Masthead
December 31, 2016

Center for Civic Engagement (CCE)

The CCE had great success in voter registration efforts and voter turnout in 2016. CCE registered nearly 2,500 new students to vote and assisted almost 350 students with filling out an absentee ballot application; over 95 percent of these newly registered students opted to register with their local address in Broome County.

The CCE developed new institutional-level initiatives to streamline and improve ballot access for students, including partnering with New Student Programs to provide voter registration forms to all incoming freshmen during summer orientation. CCE staff also made themselves available for voter registration presentations in the classroom and in other offices following requests from faculty and staff.

College-in-the-Woods and Hinman communities won first and second place in the annual Residential Life Voter Registration competition and were awarded $1,000 and $500, respectively. This competition is a partnership with the Division of Student Affairs, Department of Political Science and Residential Life.