Goals and Objectives 2012-2013
1. Successfully open the four new Dickinson Community residence halls including hiring / training residential staff (professional and student), managing assignments into new spaces, installing furnishings and equipment, and working with DASNY/Facilities to complete construction in a timely manner. {Infrastructure}
2. Establish a Career Development Advisory Committee involving senior university leadership to coordinate career development and placement initiatives, analyze data from senior and alumni surveys, and develop a standard mechanism to collect, analyze, and report destination data for graduates. {Student Success; Rankings and Reputation}
3. Identify and launch a long-term (three to five year) civic engagement project that will address a significant community need and involve coordination of for-credit and not-for-credit service learning initiatives across multiple disciplines and programs. {Community Engagement}
4. Conduct a comprehensive review of fraternity / sorority system and implement appropriate changes based upon recommendations of review. {Student Success}
5. Develop space and personnel plan (including hiring new Director) to accommodate existing and anticipated growth in graduate and undergraduate international student enrollment and pursue resources necessary to implement personnel plan. {Global Engagement}
6. Close a gift(s) totaling at least $100,000 to support the Career Development Center. {Philanthropy}
7. Develop furnishings, equipment, and media plan for University Union spaces undergoing renovation (Career Development, Marketplace, Tutorial Center, CCE) so as to support programming goals of all programs. {Infrastructure}
8. Implement new Student Conduct record keeping and reporting software. {Infrastructure}
9. Establish and meet revenue / membership targets for new FitSpace and recreation facilities and programs. {Infrastructure}
10. Hire an Alcohol and Other Drug (“AOD”) Coordinator and activate Alcohol Programming and Steering Committees. {Student Success}
11. Implement short and medium term recommendations of the Sexual Assault Task Force through newly hired Interpersonal Violence Prevention Coordinator. {Student Success}
12. In collaboration with External Affairs, create challenge grant to stimulate higher participation levels in Senior Class Gift. {Philanthropy}
13. Reconstitute Transportation Committee with higher level personnel to address longer-term transportation challenges and place greater emphasis upon sustainability. {Infrastructure}