The responsibility for finding a valid parking space, as well as determining whether a parking permit is valid, rests with the vehicle operator. Since parking spaces are limited, the purchase of a virtual parking permit does not assure a parking space. Lack of an available space does not justify violating the parking rules and regulations.
Citation and fine information
Citations will be issued, and parking fines assessed, for the following violations:
02 Parked in fire safety zone: $100
04* No current permit: $40
06 Parking in disabled zone: $150
07* Overtime parking (meters): $40
08 No parking-restricted area: $40
10 Commuter lot overnight: $40
11 Forged altered permit: $50
13* State registration expired: $40
14* State inspection expired: $40
15 Official business violation: $40
16 Plate not properly displayed: $40
20 First-year no permission: $40
22 Multiple vehicles-one permit: $50
23 Not a valid parking space: $40
24 Permit not valid in area: $40
25 Permit not valid at this time: $40
26 Parked on or over the line: $40
27 Over posted time - no flashers: $40
* Citation may be eligible for waiving with a courtesy card; see couresy card rules below.
Pay a citation
Pay online:
Citations can be paid online one day after the citation was issued. Anyone with a Binghamton University login
will sign in by using their PODS login and password. Guests who have no affiliation
can create a guest account and make payments by searching for their citation number. Visa,
MasterCard, Discover and American Express are all accepted.
Other payment options:
Citations may be paid by mail with a check or money order payable to Binghamton University.
Please include the citation or citation number along with the payment.
Payments may be made in person at the Parking Services office (cash, credit card, check or money order payable to Binghamton University are accepted) or at the Information Booth (credit card accepted) during business hours.
Citations may also be paid after hours with cash or check utilizing the payment drop box outside the Parking Services office.
Courtesy cards
Customers who have a valid annual or semester University parking permit are eligible
for one courtesy card per semester to waive eligible citations. Other permits do not
have courtesy cards.
A courtesy card can be used for citations "04 No current permit", "07 Overtime parking (Meters)", "13 State Registration Expired" or "14 State Inspection Expired" and must be submitted within 14 days of the citation. The vehicle must have been parked in compliance with all other parking rules in order to use a courtesy card. Customers who have had their vehicles immobilized with a boot are no longer eligible for courtesy cards or citation price reductions. In all other cases, the full amount of the ticket must be paid.
If you are entitled to use a courtesy card, fill out the form below and submit it to Parking Services.
*Once a citation has been paid, it is no longer eligible for a courtesy card.
Unpaid fines:
For students, all unpaid citations are entered into a delinquency list eight days
after a citation was issued. Diplomas and permission to register for courses may be
withheld until these fines are paid. In addition, parking privileges can be revoked and vehicles can be immobilized until
the citations are paid in full.
If employees have unpaid fines, the University may withhold the fines from their paychecks, revoke parking privileges and/or immobilize their vehicle.
All other violators may have parking privileges revoked and are subject to towing or vehicle immobilization.
Vehicle immobilization and towing:
Anyone who accumulates $200 dollars or more of unpaid citations is immediately eligible
for having any vehicle associated with their account immobilized and/or towed and
will no longer be allowed to park on campus until the full amount has been paid. If
a vehicle associated with that account is found on campus, additional citations, boot
fees and/or towing and storage fees can be applied. If a booted vehicle’s account
isn’t paid in full within 24 hours, the vehicle can be towed to a storage site.
In some cases, vehicles may be immediately towed to a location on campus or off campus at the discretion of Parking Services. All costs associated with towing and storage are the responsibility of the account holder.
Once parking privileges have been revoked on campus due to excessive fines, payment will be accepted only in cash, certified check or with a valid Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express.
Parking appeals
If you believe that a University parking citation was issued improperly, you have the right to file an appeal. First level appeals are adjudicated by non-parking members of the Transportation and Parking Services staff. Second level appeals are adjudicated by either the Parking Appeals Committee, composed of faculty, staff and students; or the Appeals Chair.
Parking citation appeals must be submitted online within 14 days of the notice of violation; after that, appeals are not accepted. There is a $10 Appeals Fee to file an appeal. Notice of the Parking Appeals Committee's decision will be sent to you. The appeal of any ticket does not prevent the unpaid fine from doubling after 14 days.
If your first level written appeal is denied, you may request a second level personal
appeal. To schedule a personal appeal appointment, call Parking Services at 607-777-2279 within seven days of the receipt of the written appeal adjudication. The Appeals
Fee applies to this second appeal as well. If you are unable to attend your personal
appeal and do not contact Parking Services in advance, a decision will be made in
your absence. The decision made at a personal appeal is final. If the final adjudication
of the Parking Appeals Committee is in your favor, your name will be removed from
the delinquency system, you will be refunded the amount of the citation that was appealed,
and you will be refunded any appeals fees you paid for that citation.
If your vehicle is towed, the only available appeal is a personal appearance before the Parking Appeals Committee. Requests to schedule appointments must be made to the Parking Services office within 14 days of the tow.
Appeals guide:
You are allowed to appeal a citation if you choose to, but decisions are made based
on facts in evidence regarding if a parking rules was violated and not on pleas for
leniancy or special consideration. The information below can help you decide if the
odds are in your favor.
"I have already registered a vehicle for the year. Why did I receive this citation?"
If you bring a different vehicle to campus other than what you have attached to your virtual permit, you must update your account with the new license plate and attach that vehicle to your permit. If you are unsure of how to do this, stop at the Information Booth or Parking Services and we can help you.
"I had my flashers on."
Using your flashers does not make it a legal parking space. For short term parking use, use a metered area, the paid lot, or garage. Do not use the service drives; they are for emergency vehicles only.
"I didn't see a sign saying Commuter lot only."
Every lot has a sign at the entrance of it. Residents are not allowed to park in Commuter
lots. Be aware of your surroundings and read the signs. If you are unsure of a specific
area you can always check the parking map online or by contacting Parking Services
at 607-777-2279.
"I did not realize that was a rule."
Everyone who parks on campus has to have a permit unless they are parking in a paid area. It is up to every permit holder to read, follow, and obey all the rules and regulations.
"Can I appeal in person?"
If your citation is one that you can appeal, a written appeal needs to be done first. This would be considered a 1st step appeal. If your appeal is denied, you can call Parking Services to schedule a personal appeal.
The following are some examples of unacceptable reasons to appeal a citation:
- Not reading and learning the parking rules and regulations prior to parking on campus
- Not agreeing with the parking rules and regulations
- Parking illegally for a only a short period of time
- Not having the means to pay the citation
- Other vehicles were also illegally parked and didn't get a citation