Watson AALANA (African American, Latinx American, and Native American) Success Fund

The Thomas J. Watson College of Engineering and Applied Science is committed to increasing the number of historically underrepresented racial/ethnic minoritized students in engineering and computer science fields. The African American, Latinx American, and Native American (AALANA) Success Fund assist with this goal by providing scholarships and continuing education opportunities for AALANA students. 

AALANA Scholarships

To support AALANA students attending Watson College, two scholarships will be awarded to Native American undergraduate students and two scholarships will be awarded to African American or Latinx American graduate students. As an AALANA Scholarship recipient, students will receive:

  • A one-time $1,000 tuition scholarship
  • Conference financial support (up to $500 in the academic year)
  • Mentorship from the Watson College assistant dean of diversity, equity and inclusion

To be eligible for a scholarship, you must:

  • Identify as African American, Latinx American or Native American 
  • Admitted and matriculate at Watson College as an undergraduate or graduate student

Open Application: Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Application due date: Friday, March 31, 2023

Continuing Education for Native American Students 

To support Native American students’ initial exploration or continuous education of engineering or computer science curriculum, Watson College is offering 10 vouchers to take a continuing education course through the Watson Industrial Outreach office. One voucher is awarded per student, per academic year.

To be eligible for the voucher, you must:

  • Identify as Native American
  • Matriculate as a Watson College Student or are interested in matriculating into Watson College.