Remote and virtual community-engaged learning

As we adjust to our new, temporary reality in the face of COVID-19, there are many factors to consider when thinking about transitioning your community-engaged learning (CEL) course to a remote environment.

  • The process for establishing online CEL is the same as face-to-face CEL 
  • Have a conversation with your community partner about how their standard services are still being met.
  • Discuss how their needs have changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Evaluate how related service opportunities can be linked to course goals and objectives.  
  • Communicate with your community partner about their technology abilities and needs, and their capacity for facilitating service remotely. Consider conducting a Remote Partnering Logistics Self Assessment.
  • Brainstorm with your community partner on innovative projects that would benefit both their organization and your students, while meeting course learning outcomes.
    • Ideas could include conducting background research or gathering best practices; creating videos or other virtual/digital media that could be used by the partner in information-sharing endeavors; or offering assessment or evaluation services.
  • Resource: Community Engaged Learning & COVID-19
  • Resource: Extreme E-Service Learning (XE-SL): E-Service Learning in the 100% Online Course - MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, Vol. 6, No. 4, December 2010.