Enrollment Intent and Admission Deposit

Congratulations on your acceptance to Binghamton University! 

We are confident you will find Binghamton University to be an exciting, stimulating place to pursue your graduate education. Please let us know whether or not you plan to attend.

Accelerated/4+1 degree program students should follow the instructions in their admission emails and letters. Non-degree/non-matriculated students do not need to confirm intent to enroll or pay an admission deposit.

YES, I will be attending:

Your admission deposit confirms your intent to enroll at Binghamton University. We encourage you to pay the $100 (USD) admission deposit, which will be credited to your first semester's bill, as soon as possible. The location of the payment link is pictured below.

Pay Deposit

Click on the follow link to access your application status page and securely pay the admission deposit: 

Binghamton University Graduate Application Status Page.

NO, I will not be attending:

If you have decided to decline Binghamton University's offer of admission, please let us know by completing the form on your status page. The link to decline your offer of admission is located under "Forms" between "Upload Materials" and "Verify Address," as depicted below. It would be greatly appreciated if you would share why you chose not to enroll. Thank you for considering Binghamton University!

Slate decline offer

Review our Admission Deferral Policy and Deposit Refund Policy.