Anderson Center Box Office
Monday - Friday
12 to 4 p.m.
(and two hours before curtain on show days)
607-777-ARTS (2787)
Ordering Tickets
Tickets can be purchased online, at the Anderson Center Box Office, over the phone or by mail. The Box Office is located in the Anderson Center lobby.
Tickets may be charged with Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover Card by phone at 607-777-ARTS during the office hours. Tickets ordered by phone at least 14 days in advance may be mailed, or picked up at the Box Office at your request. Tickets for all performances may be picked up during business hours prior to the day of the performance at the Box Office. On the day of performance, tickets are available before curtain time.
For your convenience in purchasing tickets, short-term metered parking is available in front of the Box Office. Orders will be processed as they are received. If you wish to sit with your friends, please include all orders in one envelope. Students may purchase one student-priced ticket per ID. The Box Office accepts cash, checks, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover Card. Due to NYS regulations we are unable to accept Apple Pay. Please make your check payable to: Anderson Center for the Arts.
Tickets for exchange must be returned to the Box Office by mail or in person at least 24 hours before the performance time printed on the tickets. All exchanges are subject to ticket availability and department policy.
Discounts cannot be combined and are not valid on previous purchases.
Tickets may be exchanged based on availability. There is a $1 service fee.
Gift Certificates
Give the gift of the arts! Gift certificates are available in any amount you choose and can be used for any upcoming Center Series events. To order, click here.
Group Rates
A 10% group discount is available for orders of ten or more tickets. This discount will be automatically applied to online orders during checkout.
Ticket Fees
The Anderson Center does not charge additional fees for online sales. Ticket prices are the same in person, by phone or online.
Terms and Conditions
By purchasing tickets through the Anderson Center's online ticket portal, you are agreeing to our terms of use and privacy policy.
607-777-ARTS (2787)