Scheduling large scale events

The purpose of this process is to ensure that organizations using University space are not committing to the sponsorship of an event that the University cannot or will not support.

  1. Sponsoring Student Organization chooses an event and contacts appropriate facility manager for scheduling.
  2. The Facility Manager, using whatever process is established for the scheduling of the requested facilities, determines:
    • Availability of the facility being requested, and
    • Type of management of the activity deemed appropriate
      • Facility Managed Event - An event that is to be totally planned by the student organization in conjunction with the facility manager or the staff of the facility.
      • University Managed Event — An event that is to be totally planned by the student organization in conjunction with a variety of university departments and coordinated by Campus Activities.
  3. If the event being planned includes a performance contract or the submission of a bid for a performer, the facility manager will refer the sponsor to Campus Activities in order to complete a Request to Bid/Pre-Performance Planning Form.
  4. A copy of the contract or contract rider associated with the event must accompany the pre-performance form.
  5. Campus Activities will forward the form and appropriate documents to the University Police Department and to the Facility Manager who will have three business days to respond.
    • University Police will determine:
      • No — The request cannot be managed
      • Yes — The event can be managed at one of three levels
        • Minimum Management — No officers are required to staff the event, event staff will supervise in conjunction with facility staff.
        • Extended Management — Officers will be necessary to be on duty for the duration of the event in addition to event and facility staff.
        • Extraordinary Management — Event will require several officers, consideration of the use of metal detectors in accordance with university policy, and extensive event staff personnel in addition to facility staff.
    • Facility Manager will determine:
      • No — The request cannot be managed
      • Yes — The event can be managed at one of three levels:
        • Minimum Management — The event will not require a great deal of modification to the facility, work orders to be submitted or extended expense for the sponsor.
        • Extended Management — The event will require some modification of the facility, the submission of work orders, the hiring of additional building staff, or other activity that will generate some costs for the sponsor.
        • Extraordinary Management — The event will require extensive modification of the facility, the submission of lengthy work orders, the hiring of significant building staff and other activities that will generate significant cost for the sponsor.
  6. Following the responses of UPD and the Facility Manager, Campus Activities will submit the accumulated information to the appropriate Student Association Financial Supervisor. The SA Financial Supervisor will determine:
    • The event, bid, or contract may be executed.
    • The event, bid, or contract should be placed on hold pending further review and consultation
    • The event, bid, or contract should not be executed.
  7. Upon receipt of a response from the SA Financial Officer, Campus Activities will:
    • Communicate with sponsor, informing them that:
      • The event, bid, or contract is approved
      • The event, bid, or contract requires further consideration
      • The event, bid, or contract cannot be approved.
    • Inform the Facility Manger, UPD, and other appropriate departments of the outcome of the request.
    • Proceed with the event planning process if the event is to be University Managed
    • Send the completed forms to the facility manager if the event is to be Facility Managed.
  8. Campus Activities will respond to the student organization request no later than three business days following the submission of the Request to Bid/Pre-Performance Agreement Form.


  1. Sponsoring organizations must reserve university facilities in accordance with established policies for the reservation of, and use of, university space.
  2. Failure of the sponsoring organization to follow event procedures may lead to cancellation of an event, ending an event prior to the scheduled ending time, denial of the facilities for future events, or special conditions being placed upon the organization and or future events.
  3. In accordance with SUNY policy, the University Police Department is the sole provider of police and security services on University property.
  4. The sponsoring organization may not obligate the University to the terms of any contract.
  5. The sponsoring organization shall assume all costs related to services, equipment, safety and security of their events.
  6. The number of people in attendance at any event may not exceed the capacity of the facility in which the event occurs. This includes all performers, event staff, etc. The capacity may vary depending on conditions such as the presence of tables and chairs, stages, etc. The Environmental Health and Safety Department makes final determinations regarding the allowable capacity for events occurring in University facilities.
  7. The facility manager or designee must approve the starting and ending times and duration of all campus events.
  8. All event advertising must list the specific safety and security procedures for students and non-students attending the event. No distribution of printed publicity is permitted prior to approval of the facility reservation request and the finalizing of event safety and security arrangements.
  9. Facility managers or their designee may require whatever actions necessary to maximize the safety and security of participants and the facility itself.
  10. The "Guidelines for Sponsoring Campus Events Requiring Extraordinary Security Arrangements" may also be implemented for any conferences; lectures, concerts, facility or university managed events if the presence of the group, speaker, performer or performing organization is considered controversial and/or if there is potential risk to the performer(s), those in attendance or to the University community.

Guest procedures

  1. Current Binghamton University students must show their valid Binghamton University ID card in order to enter the event.
  2. Non-students must show acceptable photo ID and be accompanied and sponsored by a current Binghamton University student who will be held responsible for the behavior of their guests. The sponsoring organizations will record the names of the guest and the student host on a guest roster, which will be submitted to the facility manager or designee upon completion of the event. If a student ID from another campus is used, the name of the school and the student ID number will be recorded. If a driver's license is used, the license ID will be recorded. Each student host must remain at the event for as long as any of his/her guests are in attendance.
  3. The facility manager will retain the guest roster for up to two weeks following the event. If the guest list is not needed in the investigation of an incident, the adjudication of judicial case or some other legitimate University purpose, it will be destroyed thereafter.
  4. The number of student guests permitted at an event is at the discretion of the facility manager or designee.
  5. Appeals for modification of the Guest Policy: Organizations may appeal for modification of the guest policy for events where it can be demonstrated that specific requirements would be impractical and detrimental to the success of the event. A written request and rationale for a specific modification must be submitted by the sponsoring organization to the facility manager or designee at the time the facility is reserved or no later than two weeks prior to the event. At the request of the facility manager, designee, or event sponsor, the Events Management Committee may review such requests. This committee will make recommendations to the facility manager, who will render the final decision.


Event Type - When a student organization reserves a university facility and/or wishes to bid or contract for a performance, the facility manager determines the "type" of event being proposed. The facility manager will determine the type of event based upon information provided by the sponsoring organization. Either Facility Managed Event or University Managed Event.

University Managed" Large Scale Events - "University Managed" large scale events are defined as dances, parties, concerts, etc. which might take place in the Mandela Room, Susquehanna Room, West Gym, outdoor playing fields, any dining hall, Waters Theater, or the Anderson Center Concert Theater or Chamber Hall. These events require the coordination of several university departments, submission of extensive work orders, and the development of extended security measures.

The decision to designate an event as "University Managed" transfers the planning of the activity from the facility manager to Campus Activities although the facility manager remains an active participant in the planning process. Campus Activities will arrange a meeting or series of meetings between the event organizers, the manager of the facility where the event is planned and other University officials as appropriate (which may include but is not limited to University Police, Physical Facilities, Environmental Health and Safety, etc.). In addition to the procedures outlined above, management of some such events may include a requirement by the University President to utilize some or all of the measures listed in the "Guidelines for Sponsoring Campus Events Requiring Extraordinary Security Arrangements."

"Facility Managed" Large Scale Events - "Facility Managed" large-scale events are defined as plays, musical performances, lectures, dance performances, etc. which are intended as entertainment and to which the general public may be invited. Attendance at such events is generally determined by tickets, which correspond to the seated occupancy of the facility.

Coordination and event management procedures are determined by the manager of the facility in consultation with the sponsoring organization.

If a facility-managed event requires the execution of a contract, or a bid to contract by the sponsoring organization, the facility manager will refer the group to Campus Activities for completion of the Request to Bid/Pre-Performance Planning form. Upon completion of the pre-performance process Campus Activities will notify the facility manager of the outcome.