Internship Funding

Internships provide students with valuable hands-on job experience that can open doors for a future career. However, for students with financial need, accepting internship offers is not always feasible as many are unpaid or do not pay enough to cover cost of living. The Fleishman Career Center recognizes this issue and is committed to removing barriers to internship participation by providing internship funding.


In order to apply for internship funding, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Be currently matriculated
  • Have a SSN (Social Security Number) or ITIN (Individual Tax Identification Number)
  • Have a FAFSA (Federal Student Aid) on file with the office of Financial Aid and Student Record that demonstrates financial need
  • Have already received an internship offer
  • Check each fund for additional requirements. Some funds have restrictions on majors, class years, and GPAs, but not all. Some funds require that the internship be unpaid, but not all.

Please note that this is a competitive application process and not all applicants will receive funding, even if they meet all eligibility criteria for that fund. Preference will be given to students who have not received funding before. 

Application Process

Each fund is unique and has a different application process, so please check the applications of each individual fund for specific details. However, most require the following:

  • Internship Expense Budget Worksheet
  • Some funds require additional materials. Check each fund for a specific list of what is required.

Applications typically open mid-March and close Saturday, May 31st. Funds are distributed on a rolling basis and are likely to run out before applications close, so it is advised that students complete the application as early as possible. Funding is awarded based on both the quality of the application and the level of need of the student. It is strongly recommended that students have their resume and other application materials reviewed by a Fleishman Career Center staff member for feedback to ensure their application is high quality.

2025 Important Dates and Information

  • Funding applications open: Monday, March 17 at 10 a.m.
  • Funding applications close: Saturday, May 31 at 11:59 p.m.
  • Decisions on all applications will be made on a rolling basis, and applicants can expect to hear back from the Fleishman Career Center within one month of their application submission date. 

Internship Funds

The Fleishman Career Center manages 6 internship funds. Review each fund to determine which would be the best fit for you. 

Doyle Family Student Opportunity Internship Fund - Center for Civic Engagement

Award Amount: Up to $14,000

Number of Recipients: Multiple

Established by Cathleen Ellsworth '86 in honor of her relationship with Sheila
Doyle, Executive Director of the Binghamton University Foundation, this fund
provides financial support to undergraduate and graduate students of any major
or class year. The fund is specifically designed to support students participating in
internships with local non-profits or businesses in the Greater Binghamton area.

Special consideration is given to first-generation college students to promote
their professional growth and development, empowering them to achieve their
academic and career goals.

Applications for summer 2025 are open!

If you have any questions about the internship funds, contact

For any questions regarding the Doyle Family Student Opportunity Internship Fund, contact

Note: You must SIGN IN using your Binghamton credentials to view the application. It will not display otherwise. On the fund's webpage (linked below), click the "login" button on the top right of the page and sign in using your Binghamton credentials.


During the summer of 2024, the Fleishman Career Center distributed $188,550 in internship funding to enable 58 students to complete meaningful, high-impact internship experiences. 

A girl sitting at a desk

Ashleigh Beblavy, a Student Affairs Internship Fund recipient, at her internship with The Broome-Tioga Workforce.

A girl standing in outside the Italian Council of National Research

Annamarie Chironis was able to intern at the Italian Council of National Research in Rome, Italy thanks to support from the Student Affairs Internship Fund.

A girl standing outside a building

Accounting student Vivian Guan received support from the Fleishman Career Success Initiative, which enabled her to serve as a tax intern at Grant Thornton.

These funding opportunities are generously funded by friends and partners of Binghamton University and the Fleishman Career Center. We are extremely grateful for their ongoing support of Binghamton University students. If you are interested in making a contribution to the internship funds, please let us know through this form.

Frequently asked questions