Student Employment Grant

Student Employment Grant

The Fleishman Career Center is proud to offer funding for the Student Employment Grant.  Each spring semester, campus constituents will be invited to apply for a Student Employment Grant, which will provide funding for high impact student employee positions for the following academic year. The positions can last for a semester or a full academic year. 

1. What is a high impact student employment experience?

2. Student Employment Grant application process

3. Student employee hiring process

4. Semester expectations for grant recipients

5. Additional information and frequently asked questions

High Impact Student Employment Experience

To be considered for a Student Employment Grant, the position put forward must be a high impact experience. Positions must meet the following criteria in order to be classified as high impact: 

  • Have pre-determined learning objectives and outcomes
  • Contain a specific project for the student to work on
  • Provide reflection opportunities throughout
  • Focus on at least one career readiness competency

A high impact experience would ultimately help a student in becoming career-ready once they leave the university. There is no limit to what the position entails.  

The job description must include specific learning objectives that the experience will focus on, and must be posted in the hireBING by Handshake platform.  An evaluation provided by Student Employment must be completed by both the student and the supervisor prior to the end of each semester of employment. 

The grant will provide funding to cover approximately 5-7 hours per week (15 weeks for one semester, 30 for the academic year) while classes are in session.  Student Employment will determine final funding for each award based on requests received and funding availability.

Application Process

The Fleishman Career Center is pleased to announce that the program will open for  faculty and staff to submit an application for 2024-25 academic year student employee positions beginning on May 6. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until Wednesday, May 29 or until the available funding has been awarded. Departments will be notified of the committee’s decision by May 31, 2024.

*Funding for the 2024-25 academic year has been awarded and the application form has been closed.


Hiring Process

Hiring a student under the Student Employment Grant will follow the same rules and expectations of a normal student assistant hire. Grant funds will be transferred into the designated account after the following hiring process is completed:

  1. Post the student employment position on hireBING by Handshake, which must specifically outline the learning objectives of the experience
  2. Review and interview candidates
  3. Offer the position and require written acceptance from the student
  4. Complete the student hire paperwork with Human Resources as you would a regular student employee
  5. Submit required student information form included in the grant approval letter to student employment regarding the hired student as well as department account information once offer has been accepted. Please be sure to include the sub-account number for prompt processing
  6. Once grant funding has been transferred to your department account you will manage your student employee including time sheets and paychecks as you would any other student employee

Semester Expectations

In order to ensure that the Student Employment Grant position is positive and impactful for both the student employee and the supervisor, the Fleishman Center has set up the following tools and checkpoints:

  1. Mid-semester or mid-year depending on the position timeline, the supervisor will complete a check-in with Student Employment to discuss the student’s progress, the number of hours completed, and to receive supervisor support.
  2. Prior to the end of each semester, both the student and the supervisor will be required to complete the provided evaluation tool. The supervisor must meet with the student to discuss the evaluation.
  3. At the end of the academic year, both the student and the supervisor will be asked to fill out a post-assessment feedback form of the grant and the student employment experience. The supervisor will be asked in the feedback form to submit the total student hours logged and a summary of the student’s completed project (250 words or less). 

Frequently asked questions