Quick Tips for Lab

Below are some quick tips on various aspects of laboratory reports.

Word Files Part 1 - Formatting a Table

Word Files Part 2 - How to  Use Superscripts and Subscripts

Word Files Part 3 - How to Write a Scientific Equation and Calculation

Word Files Part 4 - How to Write Reactions

How to Write a Lab Report Part 1

How to Write a Lab Report Part 2

How to Write a Lab Report Part 3

How to Write a Journal Entry Part 1

How to Write a Journal Entry Part 2

Graphs Part 1 - How to Plot a Linear Graph

Graphs Part 2 - How to Format a Graph

Graphs Part 3 - How to Plot and Format a Bar Chart

Graphs Part 4 - When and How to Set the Intercept to (0,0)

Excel Part 1 - How to Find Sum, Average, and Standard Deviation in Excel