What is your role?
With so many ways to volunteer for Commencement, it might be a little confusing. The
guide below should help you out.
Grand Marshal
This role is filled by the chair of the Faculty Senate. The Grand Marshal leads the
processional and recessional, bears the University Mace and calls the Commencement
ceremonies to order.
Faculty Marshal
Faculty Marshals are asked to serve by the Commencement Office. Faculty Marshals lead
in the two lines of faculty members at each Commencement ceremony. Faculty Marshals
are first chosen from collegiate professors and then chosen from faculty signed up
for a given ceremony.
School Marshal
School Marshals are asked to serve by their respective schools. If you have been asked
to serve as a School Marshal, you will lead in the students from your school (not
department) alongside the Student Marshal.
Departmental Marshal
Some schools will select a Department Marshal(s) in addition to their School Marshals.
Department Marshals lead in the students from their respective department. For example,
CCPA will have a School Marshal, and will also have four Department Marshals.
Stage Faculty
Stage Faculty are all faculty who wish to participate in Commencement. Stage faculty
will dress in the regalia representative of their degree, process in behind the Faculty
Marshals and sit on stage on the risers behind the Platform Party. Stage Faculty and
Platform Party are different. Commencement invites and encourages all faculty to participate
in a ceremony (or more)!
Platform Party
Platform Party members are invited to participate in Commencement by the Commencement
Office or by their respective school. Stage Faculty and Platform Party are different.
As Platform Party, you are considered a special guest of that school for that ceremony.
You will sit in the first two rows on the stage and will be recognized by name by
the President during the ceremony.
Hooding Faculty
You are hooding faculty if you will be hooding a student during the Graduate Ceremony.
As hooding faculty, you sit on the floor with your student.