BINGHAMTON, NY -- A discussion titled "How to Solve the Profit Equation: No Calculators Required!" will be the topic of the next Binghamton University Small Business Development Center’s Women Business Owners (WBO) roundtable at 7:30 a.m., Wednesday, Oct. 22, at 222 Water St., Binghamton.
Long-time Women Business Owners member Marcia Lorraine will speak about how to understand the link between business activities and financial outcomes, how the "profit equation" ties it all together and how to apply the principles. Find out how not managing by the numbers, may be hurting profits. Imagine not having to work as hard and earning more.
Lorraine has a degree in accounting and is a certified advanced QuickBooks Pro advisor. She has been in business for 18 years as the owner of Lorraine’s Ledgers.
The roundtable costs $10 per person, payable at the door, and includes a continental breakfast. Attendees are encouraged to bring product samples, brochures, business cards, portfolios and photo galleries to share. Advance registration is required. Call Binghamton University’s Small Business Development Center at (607) 777-4024 or e-mail to register.