BINGHAMTON, NY – The Adolescent Emotions Study, led by Binghamton University PhD student Katie Burkhouse, is currently recruiting participants, including up to seventy-five adolescents, as well as their parents, from the community.
Burkhouse, a graduate student in the Binghamton University Mood Disorders Institute, hopes to gain a better understanding of the factors leading to adolescent depression. Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide; onset of depression during childhood and adolescence is of special concern due to the significant impairment in social and academic settings as a result of the disorder.
Ultimately, Burkhouse hopes the study, funded by a $25,000 Elizabeth Munsterberg Koppitz Child Psychology Fellowship from the American Psychological Foundation, will help determine which adolescents are at higher risk for developing depression and which factors may be helpful in predicting treatment response.
The study lasts two to three hours and participants receive $50 for participating.
For more information or to participate, call 607-777-3304.