Advanced Graduate Certificate Program in Complex Systems Science and Engineering: Curriculum
The Advanced Graduate Certificate program in Complex Systems Science and Engineering (CX) is a campus-wide four-course program for a total of at least 11 credits. The curricular requirements are described as follows.
CX Core Courses
Students must take SSIE 524 A/B, and either SSIE 523 or ECON 670, depending on their interest and background. If both SSIE 523 and ECON 670 are taken, one of them can be counted as a Group A elective course (below).
- SSIE 524 A/B: Graduate Seminar in Complex Systems Science (1 credit x 2 semesters; students must take it twice; one as A and another as B; thus, total of 2 credits required)
- SSIE 523: Collective Dynamics of Complex Systems (3 credits), or
ECON 670: Agent-based Policy Modeling (4 credits)
CX Electives
Students must take at least one course from Group A and at least one course from Group B. Students will be advised that some courses have prerequisites and other requirements in order to take them, and that it is the student's responsibility to meet all the requirements.
Group A: Courses with greater emphasis on theoretical foundations
- BIOL 533: Advanced Ecology, Evolution, & Behavior
- BIOL 570: Evolution and Human Affairs
- ECON 612: Microeconomic Theory II
- EECE 553: Computer Network Architecture
- LEAD 605: Computational Modeling
- MATH 510: Introduction to Graph Theory
- MATH 573: Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes
- PHYS 511: Statistical Thermodynamics
- PHYS 631: Statistical Mechanics
- SSIE 500: Computational Tools
- SSIE 501: Introduction to Systems Science
- SSIE 547: Modern Complexity Theory
- SSIE 641: Advanced Topics in Network Science
Group B: Courses with greater emphasis on applications
- ECON 616: Econometrics
- ECON 617: Applied Econometrics
- LEAD 551: Foundations in Leadership Development
- LEAD 552: Leadership Groups and Teams
- LEAD 553: Leadership in Organizations
- LEAD 602: Theory Testing in Organizational Behavior and Leadership
- LEAD 603: Special Topics in Organizational Behavior and Leadership
- MGMT 508: Organizational Behavior
- PAFF 520: 21st Century Governance
- PAFF 536: Managing Networks
- SSIE 519: Applied Soft Computing
- SSIE 520: Modeling and Simulation
- SSIE 583: Evolutionary Systems and Biologically Inspired Computing
- SSIE 616: Advanced Topics in Applied Soft Computing
With permission, an Independent Study may substitute for one of the elective requirements. The Independent Study:
- Must be related to Complex Systems Science and Engineering and supervised by the faculty involved in the CX program.
- Must be approved by the CX Program Executive Committee.
- May be counted as a Group A or Group B course, depending on the nature of the study as determined by the CX Program Executive Committee.
- May be used for credit transfer from other Complex Systems related program at other institutions. But only a total of 4 credits can be transferred to this certificate.