Undergraduate Guide

Advising Hours

Office Hours for Economics Majors
Office Hours: Tuesday 3-5 pm by appointments only, use calendar link on contact page
(Professor Susan Wolcott | LT 1017)

Undergraduate Degree Requirements

The degree requirements are specific to each economics major. Be sure to review them carefully. Students should consult their DegreeWorks audit for more detailed information about their degree requirements.

Undgergraduate Major/Minor Degree Summaries

Two Attempts Only Policy (2 Fail/Drop Policy) for Majors

Students who fail to receive a grade of C or better in two attempts at core courses will be dropped from the major. This includes any combination of statistics and/or calculus courses.

4+1 Degree Summaries

Major and Minor Declarations


Review the suggested sequence of courses to ensure that you are able to complete your economics degree on time. You can view course descriptions through the Academic Guide (Formerly Bulletin). Also make sure you review course prerequisites to ensure that you are eligible to register for the economics courses you plan to take.

Independent Study and Internships

Independent study projects offer tutorial study for intermediate and advanced students on special topics not offered elsewhere in the curriculum. Generally, interested students first choose a research topic of interest to them, and then identify an economics faculty member who agrees to supervise the research project. The student and the faculty member together determine what work will be required, the number of credits to be received, and the grading option.

The Department of Economics does not sponsor internships. Students interested in taking an internship are encouraged to consult with the Fleishman Center for Career and Professional Development to discuss securing such a position.

Read more about careers for economics majors.