CEO of the Dubai Mercantile Exchange
Oil in the Middle Eastern markets and what it means to the rest of the world

Associate Professor of Law at Fordham University, Author and Former Anti-Corruption Candidate for New York Governor
What is Corrupt?

Executive Director of the Center on Conscience & War
Witnessing the Power of Conscience: Conscientious Objection in a Voluntary Military

Binghamton University Sophomore Scholar and Computer Science and Math major
Porn: The New Tobacco

Keeping Latin Dance traditions alive while still introducing modern elements, will perform.
TEDxBinghamtonUniversity is SA chartered and is presented by the offices of the president, executive vice president for academic affairs and provost, vice president for student affairs, vice president for research, vice president for administration, dean of Harpur College of Arts and Sciences, Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science, and Alumni Association; the CIW and OC3 councils; the Convocations Committee; the departments of philosophy, theatre, English, math, political science, sociology and anthropology; and the Women’s Studies program.