TEDxBinghamtonUniversity is an SA-chartered event
TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (ted.com). TEDx organizations are independent groups with TED licenses that create TEDx Talk events where speakers share their ideas worth spreading in their local community.
TEDxBinghamtonUniversity was established in 2010 and has since held 11 annual conferences, hosting 5-7 speakers each year. TEDxBinghamtonUniversity is organized by a team of undergraduate students and a staff advisor, and they pride themselves in involving the Binghamton University community, from having both alumni and student speakers give talks, to having student volunteers and designers work on the event. In 2020, TEDxBinghamtonUniversity hosted its first-ever hybrid virtual and in-person conference, UNEARTHED, which operated amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
2021-2022 Conference Directors
Top Left to right: Lisa Foreman, Hunter Akins, Austin Olson, Netali Zaff, and Sofia
Sofia Fasullo (she/her) is a senior double majoring in Statistics and Geography. As the Director of Experience for TEDxBinghamtonUniversity, Sofia plans the event logistics of our March 2022 conference to craft an educational and exciting experience. Sofia hopes to work in urban planning as a data analyst, and some of her hobbies include cross-country running and playing in a band with her housemates.
Hunter Akins (he/him) is a sophomore double majoring in Biology and English literature. This is his first year as a director for TEDxBinghamtonUniversity, where he is currently the director of sponsorship. In addition to his TEDx work, Hunter is a part of the FRI Community Global Public Health research stream, a certified EMT, and a member of the volleyball club. During his free time he enjoys spending time with his Golden Retriever, River. In the future Hunter hopes to attend pharmacy school and/ or become a professional writer.

Lisa Foreman (she/her) is a sophomore majoring in Political Science with a concentration in Global Affairs and a minor in Russian Studies. She is the Director of Content for TedxBinghamtonUniversity 2022 because she is passionate about helping the TEDx community meet exciting and unique speakers. In the future, Lisa hopes to work in international relations/security. Her favorite TEDx Talk is ‘The Super Mario Effect - Tricking Your Brain into Learning More.’
Netali Zaff (she/her) is a senior majoring in Graphic Design, with a minor in Cinema. She is passionate about the arts, as well as many fields across the humanities, such as psychology, philosophy, and language. She also loves to paint/draw, sing and make music, write, and watch as much Netflix as possible. As the Director of Marketing for TEDxBinghamtonUniversity, Netali is in charge of all social media and advertising content—a role that fits well into the intersection of her many interests. She is excited at the prospect of finding ideas worth spreading and compelling stories to share with the public on stage this year!
Austin Olson (he/him) is a senior in SOM, majoring in Business Administration with concentrations in Supply Chain Management and Marketing. He hopes to create a lasting impact on the students of Binghamton University by helping provide an accessible event that will pique the interest of (hopefully) everyone in the community. Some of his interests include culinary arts, hiking, and environmental advocacy.