Binghamton University's GIS Data Repository is an interactive Story Map where users can choose the data theme and download data by municipality for Broome County. We do have other world, national and local datasets stored on CD, DVD, and our server. However, much of this data is also available online. Please contact us if you have a specific request or question.
Access the GIS Data Repository
Good Sites for Data and Mapping
- Historical Aerial Photographs of New York - This site presents a series of historical aerial photographs of the state of New York. It was produced under a Cornell University Library Faculty Grant.
- Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies - Guide to mostly on-line and mostly free U.S. geospatial and attribute data.
- ArcData Online - ESRI's Internet Mapping and Data Site. This site contains a wide assortment of geographic information that users can access to create map images and download data.
- National Atlas of the U.S. - Map Layers Warehouse - A variety of downloadable map layers across several topics.
- New York State GIS Clearinghouse - Provides access to many data sets from agencies in New York state.
- Cornell University Geospatial Information Repository - Online repository providing geospatial data and metadata for New York State.
- U.S. Census Bureau - Includes population, housing, economic, demographic and geographic data.
- IPUMS - The Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS) consists of fifty-nine high-precision samples of the American population drawn from fifteen federal censuses, from the American Community Surveys of 2000-2007.
- Social Explorer - Social Explorer provides easy access to demographic information about the United States, from 1790 to present.
- NHGIS - The National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS) provides, free of charge, aggregate census data and GIS-compatible boundary files for the United States between 1790 and 2000.
- Bureau of Economic Analysis - A variety of economic data from national to local levels.
- Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research Data Holdings - Includes population, economic, social and some geographic data.
- Environmental Protection Agency - A large list of data holdings including environmental, health, and pollution data.
- Centers for Disease Control - Includes environmental health, disease, and public health data.
- NASA's Global Change Master Directory - A directory of earth science data
- World Data Centers - An international confederation of data centers housing data generated by the 1957-8 International Geophysical Year.
- National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service - National repository for global environmental data from satellites and other sources Includes NESDIS and NOAA data sites.
- U.S. Geological Survey - Includes geospatial, natural hazards, resources, and environmental data.
- Center for International Earth Science Information Network - Includes agricultural, population and environmental data.
- World Bank - World development indicator data.
- Terraserver - Site devoted almost entirely to satellite imagery and aerial photography.
- FedSTATS - Federal Government Statistics by category and links to many government agencies.
- University of Arkansas Listing of Data Sources - Listings of free and mostly free data for the U.S.
- Perry-CastaƱeda Library Map Collection - Comprehensive international mapping links provided by the University of Texas at Austin.
- Omni Resources Map Catalog - The world's largest online map catalog.
- University of Texas at Dallas GIS and Remote Sensing Links - Listings of everything GIS provided by the University of Texas at Dallas.
- U.S. National Achives & Records Administration - This site makes it easy for citizens to access historical records anywhere at anytime. The site is fully searchable and contains a wide variety of data.
GIS Books
The following is a preliminary list of books recommended by GIS Campus Core Facility staff. These books range from introductory GIS concepts to software specific information and tutorials.
In addition, the ESRI Online Bookstore has a large listing of GIS Related books grouped by subject that can be purchased online.
- Clemmer, Gina, The GIS 20: Essential Skills, 3rd Edition, ESRI Press, 2013.
- Ormsby, Tim. Getting to Know ArcGIS Desktop, 2nd Edition Updated for ArcGIS 10. ESRI Press, 2010.
- Zeiler, Michael. Designing Geodatabases Case Studies in GIS Data Modeling. ESRI Press, 2008.
- Tomlinson, Roger. Thinking About GIS, Third Edition: Geographic Information System Planning for Managers. ESRI Press, 2007.
- Brewer, Cynthia A. Designing Better Maps: A Guide for GIS Users. ESRI Press, 2005.
- Clarke, Keith C. Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information Systems. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002.
- Shuble, Todd. Careers in GIS: an Unfiltered Guide to Finding a GIS Job