Research Interests
- Alexander Pushkin
- Mikhail Bulgakov
- Moscow-Tartu Semiotics
- Intellectual and Cultural History
- Slavic Folklore
Carl A Gelderloos
Associate Professor of German; Director of Undergraduate Studies for German; TRIP Courtesy Title
German and Russian Studies; Translation Research and Instruction Program (TRIP)
Research Interests
- 20th-century German literature and culture
- Weimar modernism and the avant-garde
- the photography of New Objectivity
- Alfred Döblin
- Critical Theory and the Frankfurt School
- Philosophical anthropology
- Science fiction
- Marx and Marxism
Donald J. Loewen
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and Enrollment Management; Associate Professor
Enrollment Management; Academic Affairs, Office of the Executive VP and Provost; German and Russian Studies
Research Interests
- Russian Language
- Literature and Cultural History
- Russian/Soviet Memory Cultures
- Legacy of Soviet-era Monuments in Post-Soviet Space(s)
- Poetry and Performance in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
- Autobiographies of the Great Russian Poets
Neil Christian Pages
Associate Professor; Graduate Director; Associate Professor
Comparative Literature; German and Russian Studies
Research Interests
- Germanophone and Scandinavian Languages and Literatures
- European Cultural History, Commemorative Practices
- Translation
- Comparative Modernisms
- Text and Image, the Habsburg Empire
Research Interests
- Queer, sexuality and gender studies
- Temporality studies and practices of antiproductivity, especially through “unproductive” temporal states and concepts (boredom, bad timing, slowness, melancholia, nostalgia and grief)
- Psychological humanities and medical humanities
Lieselotte Sippel
Assistant Professor of German; Head of German Language Instruction
German and Russian Studies
Research Interests
- Second language acquisition
- Corrective feedback
- Peer interaction
- Pronunciation instruction
- Telecollaboration
Alexander Sorenson
Comparative Literature; German and Russian Studies
Research Interests
- German literature and thought ca. 1800-1917
- Literary, philosophical and artistic accounts of the relation between human communities and the natural world (ecocriticism, nature writing, eco-phenomenology, posthumanism, etc.)
- Modern European intellectual and cultural history
- Convergences between the natural and human sciences
Research Interests
- Russian Language
- Literature and Cultural History
- Russian Theatre
- Language Pedagogy
Research Interests
- Russian Language and Culture
- The "Silver Age" in Russian Literature
- Russian Religious Philosophy
- Religion and Soviet Ideology
- Representations of Russian Identity in Literature and Film
Research Interests
- Anthropological Perspectives on Literature and Philosophy
- Technology in Teaching
- Aesthetic Theories of Production and Reception