How to Start the Conversation

Take the first step to start the conversation with your friends and family!

Ambassador Engagement

Inspiration for talking about Climate Change:

Reach out to friends – tell them you need some guinea pigs to test your talking points
Keep it simple – you don’t have to use big concepts like ‘climate change’ if you think that will scare people off – talk about the changes you’ve all seen in your communities, whether increased flooding, wildfires, extreme weather, or hotter days
Take them on your journey – what changes you’ve made in your life and how that has made you feel – have your children taken notice, have your bills gone down
Add up your little steps – using the website, show them your profile and how much carbon you’ve saved
Ask them about little steps they think they could make – then show them the impact of your collective action 
• Ask them if they would like to sign up to the Carbon Challenge and then walk them through the process

If you start with a group of friends, it will be easier to ask for feedback and prepare yourself for questions. You can work the kinks out. Then think about your next group…a book club, religious group, local coffee shop or library…the sky is the limit!