Work in Progress
Mattson, R. E., McKinnon, A. M., Balderrama-Durbin, C. M, Young, S. R., Hardesty, M., Meriwhether, A., Massey, S., & Davis, C. S. (being revised). An Item Response Theory Analysis of the Attitudes Towards Feminism Scale in a National Sample of Emerging Adults.
Young, S. R., Hardesty, M., Massey, S., Merriwether, A., Mattson, R., Parker, M. (In Process). What about your friends? Narrative relationship arcs and social bonding in college hookup relationships.
Refereed Journal Articles
Mattson, R. E., Parker, M. M., McKinnon, A. M., Massey, S. G., Merriwether, A. M., Hardesty, M., & Young, S. R. (in press). Just Say Yes? A Cluster Analytic Approach to Evaluating College Students’ Understandings of Sexual Consent. Archives of Sexual Behavior.
Hardesty, M., Young, S. R., McKinnon, A. M., Merriwether, A., Mattson, R. E., & Massey, S. G. (2021). Indiscrete: How typical college student sexual behavior troubles affirmative consent’s demand for clear communication. Sexuality Research & Social Policy: A Journal of the NSRC.
Garcia, J., Gesselman, A., Massey, S., Seibold-Simpson, S., & Merriwether, A. (2018). Intimacy Through Casual Sex: Relational Context of Sexual Activity and Affectionate Behaviors. Journal of Relationships Research, 9:12, DOI:10.1017/jrr.2018.10.
Seibold-Simpson, S. M., McKinnon, A. M., Mattson, R. E., Ortiz, E., Merriwether, A. M., Massey, S. G., & Chiu, I. (2018). Person- and Incident-Level Predictors of Blame, Disclosure, and Reporting to Authorities in Rape Scenarios. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. DOI:10.1177/0886260518795171.
Massey, S.G., Seibold-Simpson, S.M., Merriwether, A.M., & Garcia, J.R. (2015, October). Hookup culture, sexual victimization, and sexual health on American college campuses. Perspectives, 6-8.
Garcia, J. R., Reiber, C., Massey, S. G., & Merriwether, A. M. (2013). Sexual hook-up culture. APA Monitor, Special Quarterly CE Edition, 44:2, 60-67,
Massey, S. G., Merriwether, A. M. & Garcia, J. R. (2013). Modern Prejudice and Same-Sex Parenting: Shifting Judgments in Positive and Negative Parenting Situations, Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 9:2, 129-151, DOI:10.1080/1550428X.2013.765257.
Garcia, J. R., Reiber, C., Massey, S. G., & Merriwether, A. M. (2012). Sexual hookup culture: A review. Review of General Psychology, 16:2, 161-176, DOI:10.1037/a0027911.
Book Chapters
Massey, S. G., Mattson, R. E., Merriwether, A. M., Chen, M-H., Young, S. R., Hardesty, M., Parker, M. M. (2021). Trending queer: Emerging adults and the growing resistance to compulsory heterosexuality. In the Sexuality and Emerging Adulthood volume of the Oxford series on Emerging Adulthood. Oxford University Press. Oxford, England, UK.
Massey, S. G., Young, S. R., Merriwether, A. M. (2020). Prejudice and Discrimination Against LGBTQ People. In D. Amory & S. Massey (Eds). Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies: An Open Textbook. SUNY Press.
Young, S. R. and Massey, S. G. (2020). Given, Expected, Rejected, Chosen: The challenges and possibilities of LGBTQ families, relationships, and parenting. In D. Amory & S. Massey (Eds). Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies: An Open Textbook. SUNY Press.
Garcia, J.R., Seibold-Simpson, S.M., Massey, S.G., & Merriwether, A.M. (2015). Casual sex: Integrating social, behavioral, and sexual health research. In J. DeLamater & R.F. Plante (Eds.), Handbook of the Sociology of Sexualities. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. This manuscript was peer-reviewed prior to acceptance for publication.
Professional Conferences
Wilson, S. E. & Massey, S. G. (2022). How Drunk? Level of intoxication and internal and external consent communication. Paper to be presented as part of the "Confounding Consent: Navigating the Complexities and Hazards of Sexual Encounters" symposium at the Eastern Psychological Association Annual Conference, March 3-5, 2022, New York, NY.
Massey, S. G & Gaughan, J. G. (2021). Sex During Pandemics: A Terror Management Approach. Paper to be presented as part of the " Casual Sex in the Time of COVID” symposium at the 2021 (virtual) Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association.
McKinnon, A., Parker, M., Mattson, R., Massey, S., Merriwether, A., Hardesty, M., & Young, S. (delayed to 2022). Language in her eye, her cheek, her lip - or not? A Cluster Analysis of Verbal and Nonverbal Strategies for Communicating and Inferring Sexual Consent. Paper to be presented as part of the "Contexts, Complications, and Consequences of Consent Communication" symposium at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the International Association of Relationship Research. London, England. Conference Postponed to Summer 2022.
Gaughan, J., Riestra, J., Massey, S., & Merriwether, A. (delayed to 2022). Consent - Not Always Straight-forward. Paper to be presented as part of the "Contexts, Complications, and Consequences of Consent Communication" symposium at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the International Association of Relationship Research. London, England. Conference Postponed to Summer 2022.
Young, S., Hardesty, M., Lilly, A., Cannone, M., Mattson, R., Massey, S., Merriwether, A., Parker, M., & McKinnon, M. (delayed to 2022). Exploring peer role in consent process. Paper to be presented as part of the "Contexts, Complications, and Consequences of Consent Communication" symposium at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the International Association of Relationship Research. London, England. Conference Postponed to Summer 2022.
Massey, S., Merriwether, A., Young, S., Hardesty, M., Parker, M., & Mattson, R. (delayed to 2022). Hookups and Intoxication: Consent Communication in the Context of College Drinking Culture. Paper to be presented as part of the "Contexts, Complications, and Consequences of Consent Communication" symposium at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the International Association of Relationship Research. London, England. Conference Postponed to Summer 2022.
Massey S. G., Mattson, R. E., Chen, M-H., Hardesty, M., Merriwether, A. M., Young, S. R., & Parker, M. M. (2020). Growing Resistance to Compulsory Heterosexuality. Paper presented as part of the "Challenging Heteronormativity" symposium at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology, Austin, TX.
Massey, S. G., Merriwether, A. M., Parker, M. M., Young, S. R., Hardesty, M. (2019). We’re Not All Looking for the Same Thing: Gender, Sexual Orientation, and Motivations to Hookup. Paper presented as part of the "Navigating Casual Interactions, Dating, and Hookups: Consent, Communication and Misperceptions" symposium at the 2019 Mini IARR Conference on Applied Relationships in Brighton, United Kingdom.
Parker, M. M., Massey, S. G., Hardesty, M., Young, S. R., Merriwether, A. M., & Mattson, R. E., (2019). Just Say Yes? A Cluster Analytic Approach to Indicators of Sexual Consent. Paper presented as part of the "Navigating Casual Interactions, Dating, and Hookups: Consent, Communication and Misperceptions" symposium at the 2019 Mini IARR Conference on Applied Relationships in Brighton, United Kingdom.
Young, S.R., Hardesty, M., Massey, S., Merriwether, A., Mattson, R., Parker, M. (2019). What about your friends? Narrative relationship arcs and social bonding in college hookup relationships. Paper presented as part of the "Navigating Casual Interactions, Dating, and Hookups: Consent, Communication and Misperceptions" symposium at the 2019 Mini IARR Conference on Applied Relationships in Brighton, United Kingdom.
Hardesty, M., Young, S. R., Massey, S. G., Merriwether, A., Parker, M. (2019) “Not no is not yes:” Ambiguity, Temporality, and Agency as Concepts Influencing and Confounding Consent in College Student Hookup Relationships. Paper to be presented as part of the “Understanding Violence Through Qualitative Methods” panel at the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Conference, Urbana, IL.
Ta, V. P., Garcia, J. R., Merriwether, A. M, Massey, S. G., Gesselman, A. N., and Seibold-Simpson, S. M. (2017). Effects of sexual experience and gender on conceptualizations of ideal partner types. Paper to be presented as part of the “Casual Sex & Hooking Up” panel at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality in Atlanta, GA.
Garcia, J. R., Gesselman, A. N., Seibold-Simpson, S. M., Merriwether, A. M., & Massey, S. G. (2016). Intimacy through sexual hookups: Affiliative behaviors and relationship context. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality in Phoenix, AZ.
Massey, S. G., Garcia, J. R., Seibold-Simpson, S. M., & Merriwether, A. M. (2014). Queering Hookups: A Biopsychosocial Approach to Sexual Orientation and Casual Sex Among Emerging Adults. Presented as part of the “Global Intersecting Identities---Comfort and Belonging” symposium at the American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
Merriwether, A. M., Massey, S. G., Seibold-Simpson, S. M. & Garcia, J. R. (2013). Disaster to Desire: Where are college students getting sex-positive and disaster-oriented messages about sex? Presented as part of the “Navigating the complexities of gendered sexual messages in emerging and young adulthood” symposium at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
Massey, S. G. (2012). Queering the science of hooking up. Presented at the Sexual Cultures Conference at Brunel University in London, England.