M. Chahari, E. Salman, M. Stanacevic, R. Willing, S. Towfighian (2025) Performance
of Piezoelectric and Triboelectric Transducers under Gait Loading for Self-Powered
Load Monitoring in Total Knee Replacements, Nano Energy, Under Review.
A. Eskandari, M. Alzgool, Y. Tian, M. Younis, S. Towfighian, Internal resonance of
a T-shaped electrostatic levitation actuator, Nonlinear Dynamics, Under Review.
O. Abdalla, M. Chahari, E. Salman, M. Stanacevic, R. Willing, S. Towfighian (2025)
3D Printed CNT/TPU Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Load Monitoring of Total Knee Replacement,
Smart Materials and Structures, Under Review.
L. Liu, S. Towfighian, A. Hila (2015) A Review of Locomotion Systems for Capsule Endoscopy,
IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 8, Issue 1, pp. 138-151. [PDF]
A. Seleim, S. Towfighian, E. Delande, E. M. Abdel- Rahman, G. R. Heppler (2012) Dynamic
Analysis of a Close-Loop Controlled Chaotic MEMS Resonator, Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol.
69, Issue 1-2, pp. 615-633. [PDF]
S. Towfighian, A. Seleim, E. M. Abdel-Rahman, and G. R. Heppler (2011) A large stroke electrostatic micro-actuator, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Volume 21, 075023 (12 pages). [PDF]
S. Towfighian, K. Behdinan, M. Papini, Z. Saghir, P. Zalzal, J. de Beer (2008) Finite
Element Modeling of low-speed reaming using reamers with irregular tooth spacing.
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 318, no. 4-5, pp.868-883.
S. Towfighian, K. Behdinan, M. Papini, Z. Saghir, P. Zalzal, J. de Beer (2007) Finite
Element Modeling of low speed reaming vibrations with reamer geometry modifications.
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol. 18, no. 6, pp.647-661.
Conference Proceedings and Abstracts
Alzgool, M., Tian, Y., Younis, M., Towfighian, S., "Internal resonance of a T-shaped
Levitation Actuator", In Hilton Head Workshop 2024: A Solid-State Sensors, Actuators
and Microsystems Workshop. 2024.
Alzgool, M., Tian, Y., Davaji, B., Towfighian, S., "A Self-powered Micro Triboelectric
Accelerometer with High Sensitivity", In Hilton Head Workshop 2024: A Solid-State
Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Workshop. 2024.
M. Chahari, E. Salman, M. Stanacevic, R. Willing, S. Towfighian, A hybrid Piezoelectric-Triboelectric
Energy Harvester for Load Monitoring in Total Knee Replacement, International Society
for Technology in Arthroplasty (ISTA), Sep 27-30, 2023, New York, New York.
M. Chahari, E. Salman, M. Stanacevic, R. Willing, S. Towfighian, Improving Durability
of Triboelectric Energy Harvester for Load Monitoring in Total Knee Replacement, ASME conference of Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent
Systems (SMASIS), Sep 11-13, 2023, Austin, TX.
Alzgool, M., Tian, Y., Davaji, B., Towfighian, S. Towards a CMOS-Compatible Accelerometer
Using Self-Powered Teng System, 2022 21st International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology
for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS), p 192-194.
Tian, Y., Miles, R., Towfighian, S. Data-driven method to enlarge the travel range
for multi-electrode resonators. In 2022 IEEE Seosnors.
Mousavi, M., Alzgool, M., Davaji, B., Towfighian, S. Micro Triboelectric Generators
to toggle MEMS switches. In 2022 IEEE Sensors.
Mousavi, M., Alzgool, M., & Towfighian, S. (2021) Enhancing open-loop control of MEMS
using linear electrostatic levitation actuators. In 2021 IEEE Sensors (pp. 1-4). Watch
Presentation here.
N. Hossain, G. Yamomo, R. Willing, S. Towfighian (2021) “Study of Material Stiffness
Effect on The Power Generation by Triboelectric Energy Harvesters in Standard Knee
Implant Package prototypes”, Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting.
Jain, M., Hossain, N. A., Towfighian, S., Stanaćević, M., & Salman, E. (2020, April).
System prototype for a triboelectric harvester in a smart knee implant (SPIE Best
Student Paper Finalist). In Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems
IX (Vol. 11376, p. 113761F). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
M. Ozdogan, S. Towfighian, R. Miles (2019) "Fabrication and Experimental Characterization
of a MEMS Microphone Using Electrostatic Levitation", IEEE Sensors Conference, Oct.
27-30, Montreal, QC, Canada.
M. Pallay, S. Towfighian (2019) "A Combined MEMS Threshold Pressure Sensor and Switch",
IEEE Sensors Conference, Oct. 27-30, Montreal, QC, Canada.
M. N. Hasan, M. Pallay, S. Towfighian (2019) "Threshold Pressure Sensing Using Parametric
Resonance in Electrostatic MEMS", IEEE Sensors Conference, Oct. 27-30, Montreal, QC,
M. Pallay, S. Towfighian (2019) "Feasibility Study of a Capacitive MEMS Filter Using
Electrostatic Levitation", ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences,
Aug 18-21, 2019, Anaheim, CA, USA, DETC 2019-97445, 7 pages.
A. Ibrahim, G. Yamomo, R. Willing, S. Towfighian (2019) “Analysis of a triboelectric
energy harvester for total knee replacement under gait loading”, In Active and Passive
Smart Structures and Integrated Systems XII (Vol. 10967, p. 109671D). International
Society for Optics and Photonics.
A. Ibrahim, M. Jain, E. Salman, R. Willing, S. Towfighian (2018), Feasibility of triboelectric
energy harvesting and laod sensing in total knee replacement, ASME conference of Smart
Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, Sep 10-12, 2018, San Antonio,
TX, USA, SMASIS 2018-8212, 8 pages.
M. Pallay, A. Ibrahim, S. Towfighian (2018) A MEMS threshold acceleration switch powered
by a triboelectric generator, ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences,
Aug 26-29, 2018, Quebec City, QC, Canada, DETC 2018-85543, 10 pages.
A. Ibrahim, W. Yang, S. Towfighian (2018) Internal resonance of T-shaped structure
for energy harvesting with magnetic nonlinearity. Proc. SPIE. 10595. In Active and
Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems XII, 105952E, 8 pages (March 15, 2018).
International Society for Optics and Photonics.
W. Yang, S. Towfighian (2018) Parametric resonance of a magnetically coupled harvester.
Proc. SPIE. 10595. In Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems XII,
105952V, 7 pages (March 15, 2018). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
W. Yang, P. Alevras, S. Towfighian (2017) Investigation of Vibration Energy Harvesting
using two cantilevers with random input, ASME conference of Smart Materials, Adaptive
Structures and Intelligent Systems, Sep 18-20, 2017, Snowbird, UT, USA, SMASIS 2017-3860,
7 pages.
W. Yang, S. Towfighian (2017) A broadband Energy Harvester with internal resonance
induced by two resonators, ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences,
Aug 6-9, 2017, Cleveland, OH, USA, DETC 2017-67442, 8 pages.
A Ibrahim, A Ramini, S. Towfighian (2017) Modeling an impact vibration harvester with
triboelectric transduction, ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences,
Aug 6-9, 2017, Cleveland, OH, USA, DETC 2017-68283, 10 pages.
M. Pallay, S. Towfighian (2017) Parametric Excitation of a Repulsive Force actuator,
ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Aug 6-9, 2017, Cleveland,
OH, USA, DETC 2017-67381, 7 pages.
D. Sharifikia, C. Jin, S. Towfighian (2016) Predicting the output of a triboelectric
energy harvester undergoing mechanical pressure, Sep 28-30, 2016, Stowe, VT, USA,
SMASIS 2016-9157.
W. Yang, S. Towfighian (2016) Performance of a bi-stable resonator with random input
vibrations, ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Aug 21-24,
2016, Charlotte, NC, USA, DETC 2016-60324, 7 pages.
M. Ozdogan, S. Towfighian (2016) A MEMS Microphone using repulsive force sensors,
ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Aug 21-24, 2016, Charlotte,
NC, USA, DETC 2016-60171, 13 pages.
W. Yang, S. Towfighian (2016) Nonlinear Vibration Energy Harvesting based on Variable
Double-Well Potential Function, Proc. SPIE. 9799, Active and Passive Smart Structures
and Integrated Systems 2016, 979902, 10 pages, (April 15, 2016) doi: 10.1117/12.2218077.
A. Ibrahim, S. Towfighian, M. Younis, Q. Su (2016) Magnetoelastic Beam with Extended
Polymer for Low Frequency Vibration Energy Harvesting, Proc. SPIE. 9806, Smart Materials
and Nondestructive Evaluation for Energy Systems 2016, 98060B,15 pages (April 01,
2016) doi: 10.1117/12.2219276.
L. Liu, S. Towfighian, Z. Jin (2015) A Cylindrical Triboelectric Energy Harvester
for Capsule Endoscopes, Proceedings of the IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference
(BIOCAS), Oct. 22-24, Atlanta, Georgia, pp. 49-52.
J. Zhou, R. Miles, S. Towfighian (2015) A Novel capacitive sensing principle for microdevices
, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers
and Information in Engineering Conference, Aug 2-5, Boston, MA, DETC 2015-56554, 6
S. Towfighian, S. He, R. Ben Mrad (2014) A Low voltage electrostatic micro actuator
for large out-of-plane displacement, Presented at the International Design Engineering
Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Aug
17-20, Buffalo, NY, Published in the Proceedings of ASME IDETC, DETC 2014-34283.
S. Towfighian, M. Ozdogan (2014) Static modeling of a bi-axial micro-mirror with sidewall
electrodes, Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and
Exposition, Nov 14-20, Montreal, QC, Canada, IMECE 2014-38834.
Q. Dong, Y. Chen, and S. Towfighian (2014) MEGA: an Energy Aware Algorithm for Self-Powered
Wireless Sensor Networks in Sustainable Smart Infrastructure, The 2nd Workshop on
Green Broadband Access: Energy Efficient Wireless and Wired Network Solutions- IEEE
GolbeCom, Austin, Texas, Dec. 12, 2014.
S. Towfighian, A. Seleim, E. M. Abdel- Rahman, G. R. Heppler (2010) Experimental validation
for an extended stability electrostatic actuator, Presented at the International Design
Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference,
Aug 15-18, Montreal, QC, Published in the Proceedings of ASME IDETC, Vol. 4, pp. 631-638.
S. Towfighian, G. R. Heppler, E. M. Abdel- Rahman (2010) A low voltage controller
for a chaotic micro resonator, Presented at the International Design Engineering Technical
Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Aug 15-18, Montreal,
QC, Published in the Proceedings of ASME IDETC, Vol. 4, pp. 639-644.
S. Towfighian, G. R. Heppler, E. M. Abdel- Rahman (2009) Quadratic controller for
a chaotic micro-resonator. Presented at the 2nd Microsystems and Nanoelectronics Research
Conference, Oct 14, Ottawa, ON, Published in the Proceeding of MNRC, pp. 69-72.
S. Towfighian, E. M. Abdel-Rahman, and G. R. Heppler (2008) Static and dynamic analysis
of a bi-stable micro-actuator, Presented at the ASME International Mechanical Engineering
Congress and Exposition, Boston, MA, Oct 31- Nov 6, Published in the Proceedings of
ASME IMECE, Vol. 13, pp. 421-431.
S. Towfighian, E. Abdel- Rahman, G. R. Heppler (2008) Simulation of the Static Response
of a Chaotic Micro-actuator, The Mechanics Conference, May 29-30, Blacksberg, VA.