The Libraries and Information Commons support the individual and collaborative learning and academic work of the Binghamton University community. The following policies are intended to ensure an environment that is conducive to academic work. Patrons of the Libraries and Information Commons are expected to respect the rights of others and to exhibit responsible behavior.
Acceptable Use of BU Only Electronic Resources
All "BU only" resources are library subscriptions, including databases, e-journals, and e-books, that are restricted by license agreements for the purposes of research, teaching, and private study. These resources are available on-campus or off-campus via Binghamton University computer account and password to current Binghamton faculty, staff, and students. Misuse of library resources, such as excessive downloading, copyright violations, commercial use, violates the terms of BU's license agreements that could result in termination of the resource for the entire campus.
Acceptable Use of Computers
Computers are intended for the academic and professional use of Binghamton University students, faculty and staff.
Any person utilizing this facility for non- academic purposes (e.g., game playing, social networking) may be asked to yield the machine to a person with an academic need. Also see: Binghamton University Computer and Network Policy
Animals are prohibited in the Libraries except for certified guide dogs and service animals.
Authentication for Accessing Library Resources
A sign-on is required to use all public computers in the Libraries and Information Commons. Also see: Reader Services Desk for more information.
Bias Incident Reporting
If you believe you have experienced or witnessed an act of hate, bias, discrimination or harassment, please report it via the Report a Bias Incident site so the University can take appropriate action.
Code of Conduct
For more information, see: Office of Student Conduct and Faculty-Staff Handbook.
Community Users/Guest Computer Access
Guest access to computers is available in Bartle Library, Science Library and UDC Library Information Commons on a space available basis. The PCs in Science and UDC Libraries are not available weekdays after 5 p.m. or on weekends. Community users will have access to the Internet, Microsoft Office Suite, library e-resources and courtesy printing up to 10 pages.
Obtain a guest account from the Reader Services Desk. Accounts may only be used in the issuing library. Accounts are issued for a maximum of two hours per patron, per day. Researchers who are in need of more than two hours per day should contact the library ahead of time. Any person using a computer for non-academic purposes may be asked to yield the computer to a person with an academic need.
For safety reasons, bicycles, roller blades, scooters, and skateboards are not permitted in the Libraries or Information Commons.
Digital Preservation Policy
Binghamton University Libraries’ regard digital preservation as a series of managed activities necessary to ensure continued access to digital materials for as long as necessary. See: Digital Preservation Policy
Distribution of Materials and Flyers
Because of the large number of requests, the Libraries are unable to provide space for posting flyers or to serve as distribution point for newspapers and other promotional materials.
Food and Drink
Food is allowed in most spaces throughout the Libraries. Drinks should be in covered containers to prevent spills. Avoid foods that could be disruptive or create an unpleasant experience for others (i.e. foods that are strong-smelling or that generate noise), especially in designated quiet areas. Throw away all trash and clean up after yourself when you leave.
ID Check for Late Night Study
A valid BU ID card is required to access the Bartle Library upon entering during late night hours. Cooperation of all library users is appreciated.
Lost & Found
Lost and found items are turned over to the University Police Department at the end of business each day.
Library users are responsible for their personal property at all times and should never leave personal belongings unattended. Personal belongings left unattended may be removed and placed in the lost and found at a Reader Services Desk or may be turned over to the University Police. The Libraries are not liable for loss or damage to personal property.
Do not leave the public computer you are using unattended. Besides the danger of having items stolen and your personal computer files and accounts tampered with, it prevents other students access to a computer in a timely manner. Information Commons staff are authorized to make any computer unattended for more than 15 minutes available to another user.
Noise Policy
See: Quiet study areas and group study areas
The Libraries are a place of quiet study and research, free of disruptive activity
- be considerate of those studying around you. Excessive noise or any disruptive behavior
interfering with ordinary library use or operation is not permitted.
Cell phones should be set to silent mode. Be courteous by keeping cell phone conversations
brief and at a low volume. Cell phone conversations are not permitted in quiet study
Audio on laptop and other personal devices should only be used with headphones or
earbuds. Refrain from using any personal audio devices in the quiet study areas so
as not to disturb those studying around you.
Quiet conversation in study groups is acceptable as long as it does not bother other
library users. Group study rooms are not soundproof. Patrons whose quiet study is
disrupted are strongly encouraged to contact any service desk.
Individuals, classes, groups or organizations desiring to film in the Libraries must first seek permission in the Libraries’ Administrative Office.
Privacy Policy
Confidentiality of library records and activities is governed by New York State’s Personal Privacy Protection Law. This law protects the privacy of individuals by prohibiting libraries from revealing certain borrower information to third parties lacking proper jurisdictional authority. Information regarding Binghamton University Libraries’ patrons is considered confidential. Requests for disclosure of information will be denied and referred for review by University Counsel in consultation with SUNY Central.
In order to use some of our services, you may be required to provide information to a third party vendor. The Libraries are not responsible for the use of your personal information by these services. For details on how your information could be used, please read their privacy policies.
Questions you ask using email and other virtual reference services will be reviewed by library staff. These questions may be used for training or to populate a Frequently Asked Questions database, with all personally identifying information removed.
Also see: Binghamton University's Privacy Policy
Scanning equipment is available in the Information Commons at Bartle, Science and UDC libraries. Priority is given to academic needs.
- For flat-bed scanners, limit your time to 30 minutes if others are waiting.
- For Bookeye scanner, limit your time to 10 minutes if others are waiting.
If you need assistance, contact staff at the nearest service desk.
Social Software
The University Libraries uses social media to engage with the Binghamton community. The Libraries follow the University's Social Media guidelines and best practices on all library social media platforms.
Take Down Policy
Binghamton University Libraries make every effort to ensure that it has appropriate rights to archive and provide access to content for the purposes of research and education, including those granted under sections 107 (“Fair Use”) and 108 (preservation) of the United States Copyright Law. The Libraries have given attribution to rights holders when possible. However, due to the nature of archival collections and repositories, we cannot always identify this information.
Given our commitment to preserving the authenticity and integrity of the scholarly and historical record, we are unable to correct errors or inaccuracies present in original items; redact digital content or indices; or otherwise remove access to materials except in cases where:
- there are legal concerns (for example, the presence of HIPAA or FERPA protected information),
- significant risks to privacy (for example, exposed Social Security numbers),
- or documented evidence of a clear and imminent threat to personal safety and well-being." *
If you are a rights holder and are concerned about Binghamton University content on our website for which you have not granted permission (or is not covered by a copyright exception under United States Copyright Laws), you may request the removal of the material from our site by submitting a notice to
Along with your communications, please include the following:
- Identification of the material that you believe to be infringing and adequate information so that we may locate the material [e.g. providing URLs to the works in question]
- A statement that you are the rights owner to alleged material(s) (or authorized to act on behalf of the owner) and believe that use of the material(s) in dispute is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law
- Your contact information, including full name, address, telephone number, and email address. Please also provide a preferred method of communication for follow-up.
Within two or three days of receiving notice, we will respond with an acknowledgement of receipt. We may remove the material from public view while we assess the claim. Please be aware that the amount of time necessary to fully investigate a claim will vary according to the case's complexity. We will follow up to provide the results of our investigation.
*Paragraph borrowed with permission from Takedown Policy for Sensitive Information in U-M Digital Collections
Unaccompanied Children
Campus facilities are designed for use by the University community, which includes students, faculty, staff and visitors. The Libraries welcome children accompanied by a parent or adult caregiver. Children under 12 must be under the supervision of an adult (person 18 years or older) who assumes responsibility for them while in the Libraries. If a child is left unattended in the library or in the event of an emergency situation, staff will notify University Police.